Monday, September 30, 2024

In Between Days

The time falling in between our occupations, our appointments and scheduled activities is often a most overlooked opportunity.  Many race to fill “empty” moments which could otherwise be recognized as sacred chances to wander and wonder.

When was the last time you allowed yourself to simply space out, drift, allow time to carry you away …?

Such is the deliciously ripe chance we find ourselves in as October opens. As the month begins we are in between two of three eclipses, the second of which occurs immediately on Wednesday, October 2nd, and happens to be a New Moon Solar eclipse in Libra.

Contrary to the frantic urge to be productive, we often forget that mind wandering time is similar to sleep, and without it, we cannot function properly. Dream away down time feeds the soul which in turn feeds the engine of our days.  Ignore it at your peril.  Where some consider time off to be a waste of time, think of it rather as creative juice.

October largely belongs to Libra.  Libra allures and attracts us with beauty, art and highly developed relational skills.  Ruled by Venus, goddess of love, money, all of the good stuff, Libra teaches us to balance.  Who among us hasn’t given away our time, talents, resources and energy only to run smack into resentment for not factoring our own needs and agenda into the equation?

Balance is the primary theme, then, of October, marked as it is by two significant eclipses in Libra.  As a reminder:  eclipses are neither bad nor good.  When they impact your astrology chart directly, eclipses say pay attention.  In Libra they point out where our lives may be in need of realignment and rebalancing.  Where might this be for you?

In modern life, beauty is much maligned, both over hyped as well as denigrated.  Have you left beauty somewhere by the wayside of your own life?  Forgotten how snappy a polished pair of shoes looks?   How charming a vase of flowers can be?  How satisfying a walk through works of art feels?

This is Libra.                                         

Much like in-between time, Libra’s greatest gift of beauty gets put down and pushed aside in our rush to get ahead.

The Libra New Moon solar eclipse on October 2nd is tightly bound to Messenger Mercury offering a significant window to set clear intentions.  Take time handwriting three to five goals you seek to manifest over the next month or season; then plant in the earth or set safely alight.  Decision making is key now.  With Sun, Moon, Mercury and the Lunar south node all in Libra, we carefully weigh all choices.  Remember:  there are no wrong decisions.  There is ONLY learning. 

Libra can see every single angle, both pro and con, of the options at hand.  What should tip the veritable scales of your choices is casting a vote for yourself.  Especially as Libra tends to forget itself entirely, so focused is it on everyone else in our lives. By all means, take into account whatever choice benefits you the most.  This is not selfish as many of us have been taught. Our own potential and well-being are of equal importance as are the myriad agendas factoring into your equation.

One week later, cosmic gear shifts as we move toward mid-month and the second eclipse. The planetary baton is passed.

First, Generous Jupiter comes to a standstill and turns retrograde on Tuesday, October 8th.  We do not feel the forward and reverse motions of the outer planets as we do the interior planets Mercury, Venus and Mars that are closer to the Earth.  Nonetheless, if you have important affairs to launch or get a move on, the energy may feel sluggish from October 7-9. 

In communicative Gemini, Jupiter sends a message now:  are we listening as much as we are talking?  Are you allowing quiet, down time (again with the down time!) to gather information and integrate all data points?  This reminder is the gift of Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, to pay attention, to hear, in equal measure to sharing and talking.

Only two days later, on Thursday, October 10th, Powerful Pluto turns direct motion in Capricorn.  Tied to the moon, Pluto says clearly:  get down to business.  Say what you mean and mean what you say. Actions speak a whole lot louder than words now. Opposite Motivating Mars in Cancer, the Pluto-Moon duo in Capricorn emphasize the gravity of the current moment, especially as pertains to our family, home, diet or food, country/nation and ancestral heritage.

Push has come to shove and it is time for decisive action.

To underscore this brass tacks moment, Messenger Mercury turns into transformational Scorpio on Sunday, October 13th.  With its X ray vision and unparalleled bull shit detector, Scorpio Mercury roots out any dirt swept under the proverbial rug.  What it uncovers, it readily reveals.  Feel the burn. Anyone trying to pull a fast one or pull the wool over another’s eyes, will feel the burn, the infamous Scorpio sting.  Simply:  they won’t get away with anything.  Talk about power moves.  Now is the time to let your power swing.

The combined energetic gravitas tees us up beautifully for the final eclipse of 2024. Brought to you by balls to the walls, this Full Moon lunar eclipse on Thursday, October 17th in Aries and Libra directly challenges heavy weights Mars and Pluto.  If you did not get the hint the prior week, you will be bowled over now.  Supposedly everlasting structures and power dynamics may fall like dominoes. What remains post eclipse is intended to stay for the duration. 

The message:  love comes first, family (or people who feel like family), your home, nation, ancestral conditioning and programming, what and how you consume food, life endings, and estate matters are all significantly in play now.  This eclipse is a call to action, to get a move on like few others.  Expect some very big announcements now.

The great news is:  The Full Moon tightly conjoins healer Chiron. 

In the wake of old structures collapsing, new pathways emerge.  Beckoning to us is are invitations to explore new types of healing.  What alternative therapies have you thought about but not yet tried?  Do that.  Book a trial session; try new foods or ways of cooking, investigate ancestral patterns impacting you or your loved ones; prepare estate plans.

Helping us put our explorer hat on, Valuable Venus turns into Sagittarius the very next day, Friday, October 18th.  Here, Venus is up for anything, game to try what she hasn’t done before. Unabashed and definitely unafraid, Sagittarius Venus cannot wait to hit the trail and see where adventure takes her.

Messenger Mercury in Scorpio and Venus in Sagittarius create one powerful planetary combination.  Together we see everything and everyone clearly, speak our minds regardless of who might be offended, telling ribald truths, and peeling away antiquated distortions and expectations of how life is supposed to be.

A question for anyone still thinking along these lines:  how IS life actually supposed to be? And according to whom?  Chances are, the answers will not hold water, much less survive the earth shattering honesty of October.  Truth telling is not for the faint of heart.  So do not expect to win popularity contests or curry favor for speaking your truth.

On Tuesday, October 22nd the Sun turns into Scorpio. Joining Mercury, the Sun lays bare any attempts to shade the truth.  We intuitively see, feel, and know with uncanny accuracy the essence of our personal and work lives.  Heavy lifting now follows.  What once is seen cannot be unseen.  You ARE up for the task ahead.  You’ve uncovered the dirt hidden by that old rug.  Just look there in the pile underneath:  a treasure awaits, to bring out of the shadows and into the light. What will you do with your treasure?


Of special note:

So honored to appear on the Life with Ghosts podcast recently.  Hosts Stephen Berkley and Gary Langley offered a lively discussion with challenging questions about the soul, astrology, its purpose as a guidance tool, and much more.  This is one episode to give a listen.  To tune in, go to YouTube, Life with Ghosts episode 18: 

3 Wise Women: Join veteran medium Cathy Ripley Greene, psychic intuitive Veronica Drake and me the first Tuesday of each month @6 pm via zoom for metaphysical community and conversation.  We tackle questions large and small.  Come find your tribe!  $10 session or $110 for the year. or to enroll.



Friday, August 30, 2024

Stark Choices

Our choices define us and lead us to the place we now find ourselves in.  There is no right or wrong.  There is only learning on planet Earth. 

Increasingly since the Covid pandemic, we see with greater clarity the stark, contrasting choices we must make in the pursuit of happiness, peace or sheer survival.  This vivid contrast is markedly underscored at the onset of September.  There is no mistaking our distinct options:

Love or fear, and the choices stemming from either of these.

Powerful Pluto returns to Capricorn on Sunday, September 1st for its final pass in this earth sign. The planetary bulldozer, Pluto in Capricorn suffers no fools, accepts no excuses and draws exact boundaries on the ledger of life.  You either did or did not.  Pluto in Capricorn allows for no blurry areas or gray zones.  It says you made your choices, now deal with the consequences.  For the next two and a half months, only those wearing their big boy and girl pants need apply. 

September is as serious as it gets.

The New Moon in analytical Virgo the very next day, on Monday, September 2nd, takes stock of where we stand and how to most effectively move forward.  Our health and well-being are paramount.  Because if you’re not functioning optimally with adequate resources, nothing else really matters. Opposing Saturn in Pisces, the New Moon suggests that we control what we can, prepare and plan, and make sure to have a plan B, C, and maybe D, too; then surrender what falls outside of your control.

What IS surely within our control is self-care.  Motivating Mars turns into nurturing Cancer the Crab on Wednesday, September 4th.  The action planet is not really comfortable in this emotional water sign; however, over the next month, Mars draws our attention to family, home, nation and ancestral heritage.  Cancerian energy is The Great Mother.  Mars in Cancer moves us to nourish ourselves at a soul level; because if Mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy. 

Filling our cups first by tending to the backyard of our lives creates a ripple effect. We model constructive behavior for others and demonstrate how we expect to be treated.  When we feel replenished and aligned, we can assist others to do the same.

For much of September, Mars challenges the north and south lunar nodes in cardinal signs Aries and Libra, meaning:  we have choices to make (libra) about forging a new path (aries) for our self-care, our loved ones, our homes and homeland (cancer mars).  Notice how family conditioning and programming shapes your conscious decision making.  This appears first as a call to attention followed by a call to action.  The more you resist the call, the more urgent it sounds until it may no longer be ignored. 

An example might be as obvious as you are what you eat.  If you suffer from a skin or digestive ailment, look at what foods and beverages you consume.  Another more abstract example might be how you take care of your place of residence, consider and treat family heirlooms, or participate in elections, our attitudes and approaches to which stem from our upbringing.

Helping us assess and catalogue our behavior, Messenger Mercury shifts into its own sign of Virgo on Monday, September 9th.  Gradually Mercury aligns helpfully with Mars to target our optimal health and wellness.  These two operate hand-in-glove through mid-month like a well-oiled machine shaping our work and lifestyle routines and practices into peak form.

The tipping point comes at mid-month on the eve of the Full Moon Lunar eclipse on Tuesday, September 17th, in Virgo-Pisces.  If you did not receive the message at the beginning of the month, this eclipse has your name on it:  surrender and surrender now.  With Saturn, Neptune, and the Moon in dreamy Pisces opposing the Sun and Messenger Mercury in detailed Virgo, we are called to implement our divine inspirations.  Dream and then do.  Follow up your dreams with a detailed plan.

This is the first of THREE, count ‘em three eclipses occurring between September 17th and October 17th.  As a reminder, eclipses are neither bad nor good but rather markers of significant events especially if they connect to or impact your astrology chart.  Eclipses operate like doors opening and closing.  Have no concern.  Rather, watch how results play out knowing you can choose whether to get involved in events stirred up by the eclipses.

As dreamy Neptune finishes its cycle in its own sign of Pisces and taskmaster Saturn marks the halfway point through this same sign, they join the moon at the time of the September eclipse.  The moon rules our emotions as well as the ocean tides.  So it is worth avoiding “getting swept away” by emotional tides, carried away without rhyme or reason.  To counter irrational thoughts or behaviors:  ground yourself.  The Sun (our will) and Messenger Mercury (our minds) are in earthy Virgo. 

They remind us to rely on healthy routines and practices such as exercise, mindfulness and meditation, hobbies and service to others to ground yourself and keep it real.  Wear, hold or tuck grounding stones into your pockets such as black obsidian, hematite, or onyx.

What is meant to be cleansed and cleared from our lives will be washed away; conversely, what is intended to stay permanently in our lives now, will.

Several days later we head into the Fall equinox as the Sun turns into Libra on Sunday, September 22nd.  We stand at a crossroads trying to read the signs and determine which way to go.  Assisting our decision making, Valuable Venus shifts into Scorpio on the very same day.  Here, Venus takes no prisoners.  Her spidey senses and X-Ray vision are sharp and 100 per cent accurate.  The planet of love, money and relationship knows what’s up, whether she’s dealing with a player or a truth teller.

In this way, she offers immense support to the otherwise indecisive Sun and Messenger Mercury which joins the Sun in Libra on Thursday, September 26th.   Scorpio Venus does deep research then informs Sun-Mercury which way to go, and long-term consequences benefitting your own best interests.  The caution here is canvassing every possible opinion, or being persuaded too easily by popular consensus rather than harkening to your own conscience and wisdom.

As you approach key junctures, then, reserve quiet time to contemplate your heartfelt desires.  Libra energy often forgets and forsakes its own needs and agenda as it rushes to please others.  But Libra’s purpose is to balance.  Balance your needs in equal measure to those around you.  The most difficult decisions often involve voting for ourselves first.  Doing so, we risk alienating another.

However, if we choose conformity, staying on the hamster wheel of tribal conditioning and programming, doing as we always have been told, we face a greater risk:  losing ourselves entirely, to long-term soulful disappointment, resentment and worse.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.  – Anais Nin

Go forth and blossom.

Of Special Note:

The 3 Wise Women is off and running!  Join three veteran metaphysical practitioners for community, conversation and connection via zoom every first Tuesday of the month @6 pm eastern.  For just $10/session, feel safe among like-minded seekers to ask your wildest woo questions and learn from each other.  To enroll:

FIERCE:  Boston and New England folks, join me at Fierce Female Weekend Workshop, 9-12 noon, Saturday, September 28th, Needham, MA, for yoga and astrology discussion, cosmic happenings in this age of monumental shifts. To register:

Zenathon is approaching!  Join me and a host of spectacular speakers on Sunday, September 22nd in Sharon, MA for this one-day spiritual retreat featuring inspirational speakers, yoga, and marketplace with vendors in a beautiful natural setting.  Use PROMO CODE:  ZenHilary to purchase tickets at

Mystical Messages features my monthly astrology forecasts if you prefer listening via podcast.  Also featured are cutting edge healing arts practitioners.  Tune in and listen through Apple or Spotify or hear previous episodes:








Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Life in the Slow Lane

 Look-at-me-Leo rules the month of August. Known for being a sign that roars, Leo is the life of any party, and The Creator, especially fun and frivolity.  Where there is life, there is Leo.  Master artists, athletes, inventors and designers of all variety often have planets in Leo or Leo’s house, the 5th, somewhere in their astrology chart.

So what gives then this month, August 2024, when we are drawn to slow down, rewind and reset?

August begins under a dark moon phase.  Sounds ominous; but it is not.  Rather, it offers a highly, deeply creative time.  In her own sign of Cancer the Crab as the Moon disappears from the night sky, she is intensely fertile and sets the stage for the rest of the month.  Cancer is the Great Mother.  And a Cancerian Moon in the darkest phase of the lunar cycle is the womb itself.  She invites us into her cozy delicious depths, preparing us for a New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 4th.   Here, the seed is planted.

What seeds are you planting in the womb of life?

Underscoring the significance of the creative opportunities of this New Moon, Messenger Mercury turns retrograde on the very same day in practical Virgo. Here, Mercury stops to take a second, third or maybe even fourth glance at the composition of our lives.  It analyzes the tiniest details of our habits, routines and practices, asking:  are these working effectively and efficiently?  Are these practices healthy? 

We may feel caught in the gear shift, the juxtaposition posed by the New Moon inviting us forward while Mercury has us pause to reflect and review.   How do we reconcile the two?

Stop.  Just stop. Take a moment out of life on Sunday, August 4th and hand write 3-5 intentions or goals, the more specific the better.  Set these aside and revisit your writing later in the day; or even better, look over your notes on Monday, the 5th.  How do your intentions feel now?  Tinker with them and re-write as needed.  Then plant in the soft, warm earth or set safely alight.

The very next day, Valuable Venus joins Mercury in Virgo, highlighting practicality in our relationships, including how we spend our time and money.  We want to know exactly what we are getting for our efforts with people, our jobs, and our service to others.  Our thoughts, words and way of relating now focus on health and well-being:  are the people we hang out with healthy for us?  Is our daily routine benefiting our body, mind and soul?  Is our work or job satisfying and building toward a rewarding future?

If your answer is more no, than yes, Venus and retrograde Mercury prompt a lifestyle revision. 

The final month of summer is the perfect time to strategize and plan for the season ahead.  Planning and preparation are Virgo’s superpower.  Put its energy to work for you.  Is your schedule working for you or overwhelming you?  If the latter, what do you want your schedule to look like?  Sit with your calendar.  Is there a flow?  Do your days account for down time, you time, exercise time? 

Where the Sun in Leo is the creative force, Mercury and Venus in Virgo are the worker bees who follow orders and construct the design.  And they won’t hesitate to tell the boss if the creative vision is unrealistic, inefficient or not useful in some regard.

What to watch for between the New Moon on August 4th and mid-month?   Overthinking, trying to control all the moving parts, worrying about what is out of your control, perfectionism and/or thinking and trying to make everything perfect, all of which can lead to general anxiety.

Instead of allowing yourself to be swallowed by the above hamster wheel, pause, pivot and redirect. Ask:  is this the most effective use of my time?  If not, put Virgo’s health-consciousness to work for you.  Slow down. Take long, deep breaths. Go for a walk, bike ride, gym, or do some gentle stretches.

Lay low.  Quiet, behind the scenes, off the grid time is August’s invitation.  If you haven’t taken vacation already, this is your month!  The lazy days of mid-August are tailor made for reading on the beach or your back deck, going fishing, camping or health spa depending on your budget and interest.

The majority of August’s days are marked by Messenger Mercury’s retrograde passage so be mindful of some guidelines:  watch for missed connections, miscommunications and misunderstandings.  Practice Patience with a capital P!  Lean on the RE words, Rest, Review, Restore, Refresh, Relax, Revisit, Renovate, etc.  August is a terrific month to clean out closets (drawers, basements, attics), hold yard sales and repair items as needed, etc.

Avoid or delay buying any electronic or communications equipment such as cellphones, laptops, tablets, and televisions until August 28th or afterward.  The same applies to big ticket purchases such as cars, homes, appliances and travel bookings.  Take your own sweet time reviewing significant documents before signing on the dotted line, such as auto loans, mortgages, or other legal contracts.

Back to school deals abound in August but if you can wait til the end of the month, especially for buying connective devices, the better.  If necessity dictates a new phone or laptop, make sure you purchase the extra warranty as you may very well need it later on.

The plot thickens around August 15th.  Retrograding Mercury re-enters Leo offering a helpful chance to revisit and rework creative pursuits.  If a project or endeavor isn’t landing right, this is your opportunity to polish it up, make it shine and re-resubmit at the end of August.  This is particularly true of any writing or language-based efforts, including sales, marketing, public relations and advertising, as well as creative and non-fiction writing.  Why?

Gemini.  Both Generous Jupiter and Motivating Mars meet up in communicative Gemini the middle week of August.  The power of persuasion is all yours when you focus.  Tune in.  Listen to the passive Gemini twin:  hearing, thinking, intergrating and composing. What is your message?  Who is your audience?  What is your goal?  Hone and craft your words carefully.   Switch gears to the active Gemini twin: talking, sharing, selling, and writing. And….GO!

August 13th-17th can be either wildly insightful to the point of visionary or completely blinding and delusional.  Both Jupiter and Mars in Gemini challenge Saturn in Pisces during this stretch. Creatively, our imaginations are off the charts this week.  Immense potential abounds for groundbreaking ideas.  So put pen to paper, brush to canvas, just dive into the creative wave.

Just make sure you keep head-to-toes grounded along with your message. Because the flip side of this massive creative wave is illusion, disillusionment, mirage and smoke and mirrors; consequentially, it is not the week to take a risk, either romantically or economically.  Watch for slick sales maneuvers, buying things you really do not need, falling for bait and switch gimmicks, and more.  Read that email twice. Use caller ID to screen potential pranksters.  If you do take the call, remember: when something sounds too good to be true, it actually is.

By the following Monday, you will know what is up, whether something/one is the real deal or up to no good.  Under the light of the Full Moon in Innovative Aquarius on Monday, August 19th, we see exactly what we are getting into.  The bright spotlight of the Moon opposite the Sun conjoined to Messenger Mercury shines on every little detail of our situation.  We still have time to make adjustments and corrections to our work before Mercury turns direct motion.  Practice makes perfect as the Sun turns into hard-working Virgo on Thursday, August 22nd.  Take advantage!  As long as you remember to be kind to yourself and practice self-care and well-being in equal measure.  Virgo can work itself into a frenzy, believing it is never quite good enough.  Know when to say when and when good enough is sufficient.

At long last, Messenger Mercury turns direct motion on Wednesday, August 28th!   Book your travel plans, sign major documents, purchase communication devices and any large ticket items now.  By the end of week, Valuable Venus turns into her own sign of Libra on Friday, August 30th.  Here, the planet of love, money and relationship revels as she designs, harmonizes and balances all aspects of life graciously and gracefully. 

Keep this in mind as you juggle back-to-work and school routines.  Check your need-to-please other people at the door and remember to take your own agenda into full account before committing to help someone else.  There is a lot on our plates now.  Guard your plate carefully.

Of Special Note:

If you prefer to listen to audio recordings of my astrology forecasts, these are always available via my podcast, Mystical Messages on Spotify and Apple as well through my website:

Join me and a wealth of state of the art wellness practitioners at the Zenathon, Sunday, September 22, 2024 from 9 AM to 4 PM in Sharon, MA.  Hear inspirational talks, revel in nature and enjoy yoga in a gorgeous woodland setting.  To learn more,, or hear Zenathon visionary founder Sonya Masur share all the details on Mystical Messages podcast.

Monday, June 10, 2024

When You Wish Upon a Star

July offers an invitation to float along the current of life. Rather than fight what pulls us along, celestial tides gently carry us if only we allow.  What does that mean exactly?

Play. Dive into life and splash around. Reflect and relax. Surrender. Say yes to prospects and opportunities and figure out the details later. This might sound a lot like a Mercury retrograde period.  But it is not. July is a time of active dreaming and being.  Delicious soul time. Not just because it is now summertime; but cosmic energies also lead us to wonder, wander and imagine.

Do you remember a time when you could not wait to go outside and play?  The rich timelessness of hanging out, eating popsicles, blowing giant soap bubbles, searching for 4 leaf clovers, swinging on the tire swing, riding bikes.  Tap into that.  As an adult, lounge outside, walk in the woods, take a swim. Put down your phone and lay on the grass to look at the sky above.

This is one month to make excuses about why you cannot work or get things done; excuse yourself so you can go outside and play.  Avoid obligation.  There, I said it.  If you need permission, you have it.  The planets are handing it to you, playfully pushing you into the water lapping at your toes.

Why?  What is the cosmic reason for this you might ask?

Nearly back-to-back outer planetary gear shifts occur in mystical Pisces as June ended and July begins.

Taskmaster Saturn is now half way through dreamy Pisces, while Neptune finishes its cycle in this same sign it also rules.  On June 29th, Saturn turned retrograde and only two days later, on July 1st, Neptune reverses gear.  Although we do not feel cyclical turns of outer planets nearly as much as interior ones, the timing of this duo’s gear shifts at the beginning of July is like a lullaby, sweet, sweet music singing us into impressions, memories, inspirations, and ideas.  Create time to soak these up.

There is nothing to prepare for or anticipate; rather, simply follow the cosmic lead.  Fall back into its arms like a giant pool float.  Relax and let yourself be carried.  The week heading into July 4th is like waiting to fall asleep:  one minute you are awake, the next you are not; and yet, you do not realize you have fallen asleep, do you?

In a world where we are controlled by the false construct of hours, days and weeks, time fades away now.  We may lose our bearings, forget things, both items or directions, places or people’s names, why we were doing what we were doing, came into a room, what we came into the store to buy, only to pick up something else, something you’d never “normally” buy, something completely wonderful like sidewalk chalk or a sci-fi romance novel. 

Pisces knows no boundaries; so there are no rules here.  While that can feel confusing to some, it is liberating for many others.  The hurried and harried busy-ness of the world doesn’t seem to matter right now.  Leading into the holiday, this couldn’t happen at a better time.

For all of this, watch your drug and alcohol intake, which Neptune rules.  The mix of pervasive absent-mindedness, addictive substances and water activities could indeed be dangerous.

Fun times are rarin’ to go when Messenger Mercury moves into festive Leo on Tuesday, July 2nd.  Let’s get this party started already, says this combo.  Aligning helpfully to Neptune, we are in for one happy stretch through this first week of July.  Your inner child is calling.  Will you answer?  Embrace play, creativity, and JOY.  If possible, keep a very light and loose schedule as you will want to delve into your downtime as much as possible and will resent anyone or anything keeping you from good times.  This may include solo time tinkering in your garage, fishing or laying in a hammock snoozing.

That said, the Fourth of July occurs just a day prior to the New Moon on Friday, July 5th.  Whether you are partying big with company or laying low by yourself or just a few companions, relax into this highly imaginative and intuitive New Moon.  Conjoined to Valuable Venus in Cancer the Crab, both Sun and Moon align beautifully with Saturn in Pisces.

We are in the flow, swimming comfortably downstream at an even keel, held securely by family, or those who feel like family.  Any musical or water activities in particular look enticing, soothing and FUN through the weekend.  In fact, the first two weeks of July look perfect for vacation or impromptu stay cations so ENJOY.  This caring and supportive New Moon is most welcome in such divisive times. Our home, our backyard, our homeland nurtures and nourishes us, no matter what our political or philosophical orientation. This is an exceptional moment to wish upon a star; so take time over the weekend to handwrite 3-5 intentions and plant them in the warm earth.

By the following Thursday, July 11th, Valuable Venus joins Messenger Mercury in Leo, prolonging the festivities.  Leo rules creativity, games of chance, risk taking and romance.  Love is in the air as this is one very romantic stretch through mid-July. You are up for anything now; so toss your hat in the ring and see where you land, both creatively and romantically.

With Venus opposing Aquarian Pluto from July 10th through the 16th, we notice where we end and others begin; others may include any individuals, groups or teams, whether family, romantic partners, friends, or work colleagues.  Pay attention to your needs and agenda as compared to those of others during the middle of July.  Make sure you love yourself enough to say NO or bow out when in group settings, even with just one other person.  This form of protective self-care goes a long way to preserve relationships.  And if others do not understand your needs, it may very well say a lot about them.

Another key aspect to watch in mid-July is Motivating Mars conjoined to Radical Uranus in Taurus, ruler of money, worth, the earth, resources of all kinds, and our skills and talents.   This slower moving pair only occurs once every two years so take care with your wallet now. Read the fine print and know what you are getting into as Mars incites action and Uranus rules shock and surprise. 

Look for a stock market RIDE, epic windfalls, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, energy/money/resource draining events, big climate shifts, all unpredictable or unexpected.  TO BE CLEAR:  avoid falling into the trap of labeling these bad or good, positive or negative.  Big life pivots occur to redirect us. As they occur, we can feel lost.  And understandably, losing resources of any kind is difficult.  The test here is how you respond.  Do you gloat on your good fortune or pledge to lift up others?  Do you wallow and whine, ask for help, or pick up the pieces and create your own path forward?  

The shock and awe of Mars-Uranus catches us off guard at best or catches us with our pants down at worst.  So take a beat.  Pause at mid-month to catch your breath.  Taurus is cautious.  There is no hurry here, despite the look of things.  The situation is rife with silver linings.  Hidden or not, you only have to look, to ask questions, and be open. 

By Sunday, July 21st Mars moves on, out of Taurus and into communicative Gemini, aligning helpfully to older sibling Pluto.  We are able to marshal people, make connections, gather and share information on a large scale.  Mars’ entrance into Gemini occurs on the same day as the Full Moon at the final degree of Capricorn, highlighting definitive endings, culminations and brand new stories unfolding.

Opposite the Sun in Cancer, the Capricorn Full Moon is tied to Pluto emphasizing pronounced boundaries concerning family, food, nation, life-endings, ancestral inheritance (both material and psychological), house and home.  Watch for children getting married, a baby born, beloved grandparent passing, the purchase of a first home, settling of an estate, food-related incidents, stomach or breast events, hospice or compassionate care.  With Pluto in Aquarius, the above may very well occur with a twist, as in:  done differently, alternative, or non-mainstream manner. 

The very next day, the Sun turns into Look at Me Leo on Monday, July 22nd.  Aligned helpfully to Mars in Gemini and opposing Aquarian Pluto, we have our creative thinking caps on, sourcing inventive approaches to problem solving.  Anything is possible says this planetary combination…so try what comes up and see where it takes you…

Within reason, says Messenger Mercury as it moves into its own sign of practical Virgo on Friday, July 26th.  Our minds are laser focused now heading into August, with attention on health, wellness, animals, our daily routines and practices.  Mercury rubs Mars in Gemini the wrong way through the end of the month as Mars overcommits and overpromises leaving us to worry about the details and how everything will get done.

The remedy for this is taking turns at looking at the big picture then figuring out the mechanics. Much like an artist at her easel, stand back occasionally to look at your situation holistically.  Detached from a distance, you can see what needs to be adjusted, rearranged, emphasized or eliminated.

Perfectionism and overthinking are the traps for Mercury in Virgo; efficiency, hard work, health consciousness and service orientation are where we shine for now.  Lean into these qualities.

Of Special Note:

Find your tribe!  Join me and fellow seekers among the 3 Wise women, for community, conversation and connection for just $10/month.  We meet the first Tuesday of each month 6-7:30 PM via zoom.  Enroll by visiting:

The Zenathon is coming!  Sunday, September 22, 2024 in Sharon Mass.  This one day immersive retreat features myriad speakers, teachers, practitioners and healers along with a vendor marketplace.  I will present on the astrology for the last quarter of the year.  Join us from 10 AM-4 PM. To learn more:



Thursday, May 30, 2024

Meeting in the Middle

Happy to report:  the cosmic respite continues this month of June.  There are no seismic planetary waves to stir the ether, or trigger us.  The respite affords us space and grace to clean up from the upheaval in the first part of 2024 and move forward with our plans for the future.

We enter June fixated on resources, building what we want to grow, and investing in our skill sets. Only days into the month, our minds shift gears as Messenger Mercury turns into its own sign of Gemini on Monday, June 3rd, joining Generous Jupiter, the Sun and Valuable Venus.  This is one powerful pack for communication, self-expression and persuading those who can further your goals.  Can you say sales and marketing?

These four planets in Gemini for a full week through June 9th are the equivalent of having your own personal public relations and advertising firm.  Endless opportunities abound to get your point across.    Gemini is not shy about boldly making its case or big asks.  Think giant bull horn.

Key to know about Gemini’s duality:  we are very familiar with this sign’s dominant twin, the media influencer and information sharer; but it’s the passive Gemini twin which gathers information, listens, hears and integrates, that is equally important.  In our urge to get the message out, be sure that you have heard all sides before opening your mouth.

In the midst of this week, the New Moon in Gemini occurs on June 6th, further heightening the power of language.  With fully half of the planets, five out of ten, in communicative Gemini, we are given tremendous influence to shape our future through clear intentions.  Carefully handwrite three to five goals you seek to manifest over the coming season.  The more detailed you are, the better.  Then plant your goals in the ripening earth.

What is your message?  You know what you want; so ask for it.  The time is nigh. As the saying goes:  if you don’t ask, you don’t get. 

On Sunday, June 9th, Motivating Mars turns into earthy Taurus.  Over the next six weeks it gradually joins Radical Uranus energizing our resources, inclination to invest in our talents and be discerning about how we spend our time.  Through mid-June, Mars challenges its older sibling Pluto in Aquarius stretching how we focus our desires; meaning:  do we dig our heels in sticking to the tried, true and traditional or push and stretch our resources and skills into new arenas? 

You can fairly hear the clash between younger and older sibling:  it’s always been done this way, I’m not wasting my time and money trying something new,” says Mars, while Pluto challenges:  “stagnate or grow.  Innovate or die.” 

Mars and Pluto both deal with drive, motive and desire. Without these, we would not try anything different, go anywhere foreign to us; in short:  we would not evolve.

Bear in mind:  no one alive has experienced Pluto in Aquarius before.  The last time transformational Pluto cycled through Aquarius was 1777-1798.  Pause and think about what was happening then.  Oh yes, the American and French Revolutions.  Pluto is the transformer while Aquarius rules groups, teams, networks, is the inventor, innovator and humanitarian of the zodiac.  Together, Pluto in Aquarius equals upheaval. Its goal:  mass-scale humanitarian change. But at what price? 

That is precisely what Mars in show-me-the money Taurus wants to know during mid-June.

The college protests in late April gave us a taste of this planetary conflict.  If we learn anything from history and the grand societal upheaval 250 years ago, don’t just scream protests into the void, have a purpose, an understanding and end goal to work toward. 

You can hold up a stiff middle finger all you want but where will that really get you?  Garnering attention for attention’s sake serves no purpose. Will you achieve the results you desire without pissing everyone off?   Probably not.  The trick is not to throw the baby out with the bath water:  to save what works while adapting to new demands and offend the least number of people in the process.  

In other words:  compromise.  Meet in the middle.

But the middle is often very, very messy.  And human beings do not like chaos or mess. Yet that is where the real work is: sorting through the ugly piles, doing the hard shadow work (Pluto rules the shadow), sifting through the dirt to reveal the treasure. 

Lest we forget, both the emerging United States and post-revolution France were extremely uncertain and unsettled landscapes. Both nations were navigating uncharted territory, creating countries from scratch, establishing rules and guidelines as they went along; distancing themselves from ancient feudal pasts.  Grand experiments both.

That is precisely what we are invited to remember in mid-June:  we are a work in progress; a creation in the making.  We are never truly “finished”.  Especially important to bear in mind:  so is everyone else, a work in progress that is; so best to hold off on rushing to judgment. We are each doing the best we can, to live up to our potential.

In a time when it seems all of the rules have gone out the window, please remember, there is still only one rule that really matters:  do no harm.

Fortunately, Motivating Mars begins to rotate away from Pluto as we enter the third week of June.  Energetic changes are afoot as both Messenger Mercury and Valuable Venus turn into Cancer the Crab on Monday, June 17th.  Later that week the Sun will join this compassionate crew, marking the summer solstice on Thursday, June 20th.

Notice the difference between the mercurial, communicative early weeks of June and the caring, family and home-oriented focus in the latter two weeks of the month. 

The energetic contrast is marked the Full Moon in Capricorn on Friday, June 21st.  Capricorn draws the line in the sand, highlighting what works versus what is not working.   Opposite the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Cancer, this Full Moon asks:  are we allocating resources most effectively, including our time and talents as well as our money?  Are we looking after our own needs in proportion to taking care of everyone else (a Cancerian pitfall for sure)?  Are we taking a stand for our family and homeland?

We all know very well what is at stake for the United States now; the same is true individually.  Voting for ourselves is not selfish when it gives us peace of mind and a quiet conscience. Capricorn plays the long-game.  It sees down the road and asks us to do the same.

Sure, there are more expedient ways to satisfy others, achieve, win the game.  But not if it means we cannot look ourselves in the mirror or our children in their eyes.  Like no other, this Full Moon spotlights essential needs, bare necessities, for our very survival.  These essential needs include emotional, psychological, spiritual and intellectual necessities as well as financial.  Ask: does status or influencing really matter if you cannot pay the rent?  Is giving to others to the point of total depletion so that you have no energy left for your own well-being actually healthy?  The Capricorn Full Moon clearly, firmly says NO.

This lunation occurring so close on the heels of the Summer Solstice is a precursor to Saturn turning retrograde.  The ruler of Capricorn, Saturn slows down the last week of June shifting into reverse gear on June 29th.  While we do not feel this motion as we would say when Mercury, Venus or Mars turn direction, Saturn’s retrograde message is similar to the Capricorn Full Moon:  set limits; be real and realistic; take small steps to achieve goals; be resourceful.

Warm and fuzzy?  No.  Exciting and joyful?  No.  Built to last and stand the test of time:  you bet.

Consider yourself and your goals worthy.

Of Special Note:

The 3 Wise Women is off and running!  Are you a seeker looking for a tribe of fellow searchers? Or answers to all of your metaphysical questions?  Join us!  Just $10 a month gives you access to community and conversation with like-minded folks, and us:  the 3 Wise Women, medium Cathy Ripley Greene, intuitive Veronica Drake, and me!  Our on-line group meets the first Tuesday of each month 6-7:30 PM, Eastern.  To learn more about us or to join: or

















Monday, April 15, 2024

Peace Offering

You can fairly feel the collective exhale following last month.  It is my sincere pleasure to share that May 2024 will be infinitely calmer than the roller coaster ride that was April.  The cosmos seemingly wanted to get all of its energy out in one fell swoop between March 25th and April 25th.  Jostled, tossed and tattered, we land hard with bumps and bruises to show for it.  In the wake of such tremendous turbulence, we pull ourselves to standing. Dust yourself off. Pause to get your bearings. It may take some time to re-orient ourselves to our new landscape.   

What has come before, in memory and existence, was real, and did indeed happen.  Although it may seem hardly relevant to where we stand now.  Our perspective has shifted 180 degrees pointing us in an entirely different direction, to face an altogether unknown future, surrounded by the completely unfamiliar.

Peace follows any storm.  It affords grace to gather ourselves together and assess where to go from here.  The good news is:  we can go anywhere now, do anything.  We could before the storm but most of us did not realize that.  When all the constructs, restrictions and rules are removed, liberation of immense proportions begins to dawn on us.  Now what?  It is really very exciting.  AND:  we are in the month of May to boot!  May, with its deeply delicious rich soil. May offering warm sunshine and cool rain to nourish the seeds of our desires.

What will you plant?                   

Recognizably, the world is in dire need of peace, love and fertile resources which thankfully, the Taurus Sun supplies in abundance. May your efforts and desires be planted with ample strands of these qualities.

Powerful Pluto turns retrograde in Aquarius on Thursday, May 2nd.  We do not feel the gear shifts of outer planets as we do those closer to planet Earth.  So Pluto’s reverse motion is more of a reminder to check on those desires we are cultivating so readily now.  Ask:  what is it you hope to accomplish with your goal?  Why do you want it so much?  Where will your goal lead? 

If you do not know or cannot answer these questions, Pluto retrograde invites us to look under the hood, beneath the veritable carpet where so much of our psyche, our deeper urges are often swept.  We have time, a full week to consider the purpose and reasoning behind our efforts, before the New Moon in Taurus in the wee hours of May 8th.  For some, this New Moon occurs late on May 7th or just after midnight for those on the East Coast of the United States.

The seeds of this New Moon contain the motherlode of fertility with five out of ten planets in earthy Taurus:  the Sun, Moon, Valuable Venus, Generous Jupiter and Radical Uranus, making for an incredibly ripe and opportune time to plant what you want to grow. The Sun pairs closely with Jupiter and Uranus to infuse our desires with overflowing resources to manifest the fruits of our labors.  Resources may include actual money, or raw materials, people, products, and capital. 

Taurus is the first primal earth sign of the zodiac offering endless stamina, strength and good ol’ fashioned grit to see endeavors through to the finish.  In short, Taurus doesn’t quit.  This never-say-die quality may be known as stubbornness in some, or dogged determination in others. Either way, when used well during this New Moon, what is begun now will stand the test of time, built to last producing benefits for generations to come.  Knowing that, it is imperative to set your New Moon intentions carefully, handwriting three-to-five goals you seek to manifest.  Bless your words with love, peace and beauty. Then plant your intentions in the deliciously rich and fertile soil to ripen over the next month, season or year.

Taurus rules beauty, an often a much-maligned or overlooked quality these days.  Sidelined is the treasure beauty actually is:  the sweet music that calms our nerves, serene nature inviting us to stay a while longer in its glow, the depth of an artistic work that takes our breath away, treasures all. To be celebrated rather than minimized, beauty blesses each of us, whether in quality of character, talent or physically.

During the heart of May, from the 8th to Monday the 20th, beauty overflows, fairly tripping on itself. Look for it in yourself and others; especially as Messenger Mercury joins the planetary power pack in Taurus, on Thursday, May 16th.  Where are you rich in treasure?  Through service, resources or talents dedicated to benefitting others? In this deeply opportune moment, the possibilities are endless. Consider how you can spread your beauty to lift the lives of those in need.

Energetic shifts are afoot the third week of May.  The cosmic public relations megaphone kicks into high gear beginning Tuesday, May 21st when the Sun shifts into communicative Gemini, followed in short order by Valuable Venus and Generous Jupiter on May 24th and 26th.  Talk about an information powerhouse!  You will feel this energy pivot from considerately cautious Taurus to lightning fast Gemini.  Our minds sharpen our tongues into swift swords. 

The energetic sea change from lumbering to fleeting speeds is highlighted under the Full Moon in Sagittarius on Thursday, May 23rd.  What news do you have to share? You will be seen and heard in the farthest corners now.  Launching any endeavor will harness the Full Moon’s spotlight this week. Think of it as free advertising and promotion. Curiosity is piqued:  Inquiring minds want to know and fully understand every nook and cranny, each what, why, how, where, and when about your plantings earlier this month. 

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, truth, freedom, abundance, education and the law. For the past year it has cycled through earthy Taurus.  For a full year ahead, Jupiter tours Gemini, the opposite sign it rules, Sagittarius.  Gemini is the communicator of the zodiac; like a radio, the information gatherer and disseminator. In Gemini, Jupiter wants to share and disseminate, the knowledge it has gathered.  When used wisely, Jupiter excels at effective messaging, whether speaking, writing or social media influencing as well as listening while learning and gathering information.

 In the Western hemisphere, we are all too familiar with the information sharing/dissemination aspect of communication.  Unlike Eastern hemisphere cultures, the other half of communication, information gathering is often not nearly as valued in the West.  The importance of hearing, listening, reflecting, and integrating information is often overwhelmingly dominated by the imperative to overshare.

So as we enter June and Gemini season, be mindful of listening in equal measure to talking. Knowledge truly is power. And the only way to gather knowledge is to ask questions followed by deeply heartfelt attention to the language of others.

Say what?

Of Special Note:

I have an exciting announcement to share with you!  Two colleagues of mine and I are hosting a brand new on-line community dedicated to sharing all things WOO.  Like you and me, they are spiritual and love the metaphysical realm.  Dr. Cathy Ripley Greene, Veronica Drake and I are offering a platform to connect via “Three Wise Women and YOU”!

Our collaboration offers a forum for the intuitively curious to meet, discuss, share, and learn. With more than 70 years of combined metaphysical experience, the 3 wise women community offers “one stop shopping” for questions about how the realm-beyond the veil really works. Whether intuitive, psychic, mediumship, astrology, karma, reiki, the akashic records, or personal coaching, we get it and we got YOU!

Our new monthly community invites you to ask questions and get them answered. You will also have access to an exclusive members forum, where you can ask additional questions, converse with fellow seekers, and read Hilary’s, Vee’s, and Cathy’s regular blog posts. You can join us for just $10 per month ($120 per year) or you can save $10 (you can get a free month) by paying the annual rate of $110.

 The 3 Wise Women community happens the first Tuesday of every month at 6 PM Eastern via zoom.  We are SO excited to launch our first community connection on Tuesday, May 7th at 6 PM Eastern.  To enroll, please visit the 3 wise women link on my website: or





Monday, March 18, 2024

Galactic Anvil

 Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. The Great Initiator, it is the spark igniting our fire to begin fresh, or anew.  As such, this month we may feel we are in the cosmic forge being hammered, bent and twisted into form like a hot piece of iron. No, the weeks of April do not make for an easy time.

Our work started at the end of March, with the lunar eclipse on the 25th, in Aries and Libra, focusing on relationship, asking where we end and where others begin.  How do we bring ourselves into balance, our needs, wants and agenda in relationship to everything else:  our work, family, friends, and community?  Are we in sync and centered? Or are we out of kilter and in need of realignment?

This is an especially fragile time.  The Spring Equinox invites us to charge forth, energetically bursting ahead with plans and projects. But the eclipse gives pause, stirs up the ether, often throwing curve balls into our best laid ideas.  And then, giving us ample opportunity to make the best use of this cosmic pause, Messenger Mercury slows to a halt and shifts into reverse gear on Day One of April. 

You might think this an April Fool’s prank; but alas, no.  You read correctly:  Mercury retrograde starts on Monday, April 1st.  Try as we might to push forward with our life, this April has other plans.  You can fairly hear a giant collective groan…, “but I don’t want to slow down. Not now just as the days are getting warmer…” 

Yet here we are. 

A reminder:  the best use of Mercury retrograde time is to use the RE words:  Rest, Research, Restore, Refresh, Relax, Renew, Rebalance, Reflect, etc.  I know, I know… It’s springtime and I want to get going and get on with my life too.  But for the next three and a half weeks, until April 25th, cosmic energy invites us elsewhere and otherwise.

It is especially helpful to know this in advance in the event that your plans don’t go as exactly as you hoped; particularly the first week of April when we may feel like our wheels are spinning in mud.  We can’t get any traction.  Please know that any details you lock into place between April 1-24th may need to be re-worked or revised down the road.

So it is best to hold off on major purchases now:  cars, homes, booking big travel arrangements, appliances, and definitely wait to buy communication devices such as laptops, cell phones and tablets.  Of course, if yours happens to break and you need to replace it, make sure to get a warranty as this is one time you may need it. 

It is also to your advantage to wait before signing significant documents and contracts. This is doubly emphasized during the first week of April which is particularly dicey; not only is mercury retrograde but we are between eclipses which is a notorious energetic black hole. 

Our urge to get on with life is underscored by Valuable Venus turning into Aries on Friday, April 5th.  Can you say impatient?   Artistic Venus is not at her beautiful best in this brash, fiery sign.  We want what we want and we want it now.  We feel like our lives are on fire (and in some cases they are); that we cannot wait for cosmic timing to get things done.

So how are we to BE instead of DOING, while urgent, emergent fires burn under our feet?   Just because it is Mercury retrograde doesn’t mean we have to put our lives on hold or sit in meditation all day.  Rather, put the most active RE words to work for you: 

Research:  Research your plans, compare prices, products, vendors, practitioners. Ask questions.  Be open-minded and willing to explore and learn. 

Renew and Refresh:  April is spring cleaning time!  Open your cupboards, closets and windows and let the fresh air in.  Feel how good it is to clean out and organize just one drawer, one room or get the car detailed so you can make way for the new season.

Rebalance, Replenish and Restore:  Time to fill up your cup and do something for you!  And I’m not talking about getting your hair cut or routine exercise.  Try learning what you’ve always been curious about, or exploring somewhere you’ve never been before.

These are active uses of an otherwise wonky stretch culminating in the New Moon total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th in, you guessed it:  Aries.  This is one strong eclipse highly visible from Texas straight across the Northeastern United States.  With both Sun and Moon in trail blazing Aries, our engines are LIT and rarin’ to go.  So please take caution with fire or heat-born appliances:  stoves, electrical tools and outlets, heaters, dryers, over exposure to the Sun, barbecues, fireplaces, and firepits. 

Aries is impulsive and impatient; wants to be done already, to cross the finish line but uninterested in any how or why, directing others to work out the details.  Remember:  Haste makes waste.  The risk now is rushing into commitments without thinking through impacts; or worse, violence in the wake of not accomplishing the desired results.

So it is imperative to take your time.  There is no hurry.  The more others push your buttons and flip your trigger, the greater the need to take a breath, sleep on it, or go on that proverbial walk around the block to cool off.  While you are doing so, contemplate what your desires are.  Then, hand write 3-5 intentions and either plant in the ground or set safely alight.

Because we are only just getting started! 

For the last two months, Generous Jupiter and Radical Uranus have been moving toward each other.  The Great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction occurs once every 12 years and during April, they meet up in Taurus adding to the already complex energy.  Jupiter rules all of the good stuff: learning, travel, abundance, prosperity and expansion.  Meanwhile Uranus is the rebellious child of the galaxy, favoring upset, re-direction, surprise and shock.

So imagine what these two have in mind when they come together around the third week of April, from the 17th to the 25th.  This is one gargantuan cosmic stretch so fasten your seat belts.

In earthy Taurus, we may expect one heck of a ride for the stock market, along with earthquakes, truly profound eureka scientific breakthroughs, and sudden changes of fortune both in the plus and minus columns.  Anyone off-path, as in:  not following their soul blueprint will be realigned and redirected now.  This stretch will be most notable for fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Breakdowns and breakthroughs are the watchwords.  Keep in mind:  you have to break down in order to break through.  This is especially vital to bear in mind as we approach the Full Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday, April 23rd, when we will be feeling ALL of the feelings.  Make sure to ground yourself:  get outside into nature; plant and play in the soil; wear grounding crystals:  hematite, obsidian, onyx and tigers eye; and walk barefoot on the earth. 

The release of this Full Moon is particularly immense.  Feel the tension subside or pop.  And as the cosmic clock would have it, immediately following the Full Moon, Jupiter starts to move on from Uranus just as Messenger Mercury turns direct motion on Thursday, April 25th.  Thank Goddess!  You will feel one giant collective sigh.

Take a beat.  Count to ten. Look around and assess where you stand amidst the post-cosmic upheaval. 

You made it through.  Now where to go from here?

Of Special Note:

Want to learn how an astrology session may benefit you?  Curious about the theory and philosophy behind astrology?  Join my recent conversation with Gary Langley and Sally Taylor on their podcast Soul Explorers where we dive into the how’s and why’s of this ancient art and its relevance for a modern audience:

Curious about the realm beyond the veil but don’t know where to find answers?  Searching for community among like-minded folks?  Welcome to The 3 Wise Women! Join your fellow seekers for conversation and connection on the first Tuesday of every month @6 PM eastern.  My colleagues, Medium Cathy Ripley Greene, Life Coach and Psychic Veronica Drake and I share our combined 60 years of experience and knowledge.  To learn more or to sign up: