Thursday, May 31, 2018

Fight, Flight or Flow: Finding Gratitude Amidst Volcanic Change

June opens on the heels of a Full Moon still casting a glow over us.  The loveliest of aspects in astrology figured largely with this Full Moon and exactly aligns on June first.  Two beneficent planets, Venus and Jupiter (love/money and abundance), connect beautifully with Neptune (inspiration and dreams).  The energy stays with us the entire first week of the month, underpinning our faith and trust in all that is good in the world and delivering much needed empathy, relief and resources to those in need.

May we remember this moment and flow with its universal guidance.

This grand water alignment takes some of the harsh edge off the jolt that many of us experienced in May when Radical Uranus and Motivating Mars sharply shifted gears, challenging each other.  Whether or not you are a fan of British royalty, the wedding between Prince Harry and American Meghan Markle is a stunning example of the above duo in action.  The Prince and his new wife are living archetypes of the tectonic movement taking place on earth now.

We witnessed the oldest surviving monarchy, a bastion of tradition and stoicism, shifting before our very eyes.  Who could ever have imagined, even a few years ago, a divorced woman of African American descent marrying into the highest echelons of the House of Windsor?  A black gospel choir singing at a royal wedding?   Harry and Meghan sent a Uranus-Mars message:  we are the change and we are here to create change.

Welcome to the New Age, to Uranus in traditional Taurus butting heads with fiery Mars in atypical Aquarius.   Still doubting?  Look no further than the Hawaiian volcano (earth) erupting (uranus-mars).   While the shifts are most needed and desired for human progress, many will struggle with this time.  Change sparks fear in many.  This is called a growth edge.  Do we let go or hold on to a relationship, situation or condition, often despite really poor/uninspiring/dire circumstances?  As we anticipate outcomes in either direction, fear arises.  What will happen?

Both Taurus and Aquarius are fixed signs – meaning, resistant and stubborn until or unless we apply perseverance and stamina to meet our most nagging (or lagging) issues.  In short, like the Royal Family, we are being pushed, prodded and forced to evolve.  Grow and adjust we must.  For is there anything worse than stagnation?

Most humans resist change.  We have no choice now, though.  The great news is that amidst these seismic shifts, the aforementioned Venus-Jupiter-Neptune alliance gently guides us and bestows resources where we most need.  This flowing aspect calls us to practice gratitude for what we already do have, to focus on what we want rather than what we do not want.  Gratitude is the great multiplier.  It may seem old fashioned or trite in this hi-tech world to count your blessings; yet gratitude is one of the Cosmic Laws.  If you do nothing else during prayer, meditation or casting wishes but express a simple “thank you”, the doors to opportunity will open.

The first week of June, 1st-7th, Messenger Mercury and the Sun in communicative Gemini conjoin.  This is a perfect time to give thanks to all who help you along your way and for all you have.  Direct your mind along positive tracks as this pair challenges mystical Neptune which may confuse and deceive us.   It is the master “smoke and mirror” aspect:  begging what is real and what is not?  

Negativity and doubt is the easier track to follow.  Instead, like flexing a lax muscle, choose trust and faith now in the face of haters or fear mongers.  It isn’t easy.  It takes heft and work.  Truly, choosing faith and trust is the harder path.  To push through this week, we must veer optimistically along the lines of what is possible to defy what pulls us backward and down.

A silver lining blessing to what otherwise appears as confusion, anger, drama or fear is the beautiful angle between change agent Uranus and healer Chiron.  This will stay with us into 2020!  Here is our key.  For those with open hearts and minds, for those willing to accept, even embrace, opportunities rather than dismiss them, new paths, healing and solutions are available.  You just have to remain open minded and look around.

Ask:  where am I stuck?  What patterns do I keep repeating without progress or change?  What would I most like to change about my life?  Rather than expecting, hoping others to change, the answer and key lies with you.  Radical notion to some.  However, if the Other (be it work, partnership, finances, family, etc), aren’t budging and stay stubbornly resistant, the only power you have control over is your reaction.  As Dr. Gerald Jampolsky said, “Change your mind, change your life.”  Likewise, change your response, consistently, clearly, over time, the situational chemistry will alter.

Amidst this comes the New Moon in Gemini on Wednesday, June 13th.  Gemini rules communication, our thoughts and minds.  This particular New Moon is terrific for outlining your goals, wishes and prayers for the coming months and year.  Hand write five or so wishes on paper and either plant in the ground or cast in moving water.

That same day, Messenger Mercury moves in to Cancer, imbuing our thoughts and heartfelt wishes with care and nurturing.  On the heels of this, Venus moves into festive Leo for the next month.  Let creativity, romance and taking chances flourish and guide you now.  Leonian Venus loves a great party and will ensure terrific holidays and vacations.  Relax and enjoy.

Just before the summer solstice, dreamy Neptune turns retrograde motion.  Most of us will not feel this most subtle of energies turning inward, akin to the ocean tide ebbing.  Neptune’s continuing helpful angle to generous Jupiter remains in effect while Mercury in Cancer joins the pair, heightening our intuition.  Pay attention to messages this third week of June!  Are you receiving repetitious signs or guidance?  Stay open and follow where these lead.  Allow for surprise and curiosity.

Cautious optimism is the watchword for the Summer Solstice as the Sun enters caring Cancer on Thursday, June 21st.   As we move into the peak of the summer season in the northern hemisphere, the Sun aligns beautifully with change agent Uranus in Taurus this week, encouraging us to plant and foster our directed energy.  The solstice occurs on the cusp of Mars turning retrograde motion, Tuesday, June 26th.  The Red Planet of action, doing and pushing forward, Mars has the biggest difficulty in retrograde motion which turns our energy inward rather than outward.  For the next two months, until August 28th, Mars will shift backward in atypical Aquarius, reversing course over the lunar south node.  This pair continues to challenge Uranus in Taurus, really forcing us to purge and release what does not work in our lives – any dysfunction, any expectations we have fiercely clung to, any patterns and habits obstructing our growth or potential.

Mars retrograde can make for a bumpy summer; watch for flashes of anger, shocking outbursts of emotion, feeling at loose ends.  Yet, the summer offers a valuable opportunity to reflect on aspects of our lives that are out of sync, or totally out of whack.  A word of caution here:  if you can, best to hold off on purchasing any mechanical items between June 26th and August 28th.  Mars rules fire, the basis for mechanization, machines and automation; if possible, refrain from buying a new phone, appliances or new car.  Turn any pent up energy toward active vacations, holidays, artistic and athletic outlets. 

The Full Moon in practical Capricorn on June 28th helps us assess our lives with a calculated, detached eye.  How do we make the most of the coming weeks and months?  One foot in front of the other, guides this Full Moon, keeping a steady hand firmly on our goal and abundant faith and trust in our hearts.

For a personal astrological reading, please contact me at or

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

What is Your Moon Sign?

Many of us are familiar with our Sun sign.  We will occasionally read our horoscope in newspapers, magazines or on-line.  Sometimes these messages ring true and other times, not so much.  At parties someone may casually mention he is a Taurus or Sagittarius.  But often, that is the extent of their zodiac knowledge.

Yes, in astrology, our Sun sign is paramount.  It represents our identity and self, and, how we direct our will.  It is our vitality.  However, there is much more to our own personal horoscope.  Each planet, from the Moon to Pluto, is in a particular sign and house at the moment of our birth.  Together, these comprise our astrological chart.   

Along with the rising sign, or ascendant, the moon by sign, house and phase carries equal weight to the Sun in any astrology reading.   The rising sign is our mask, how we perceive the world and how the world perceives us.  The Moon, by contrast, is our emotional interior, our feelings, how we interpret and digest stimulus on the deepest level.  

Only when we are very, very at ease do we show our Moon and relate to others with it.  We share our Moon, our true feelings only with those we love and trust such as family members and very old, dear friends.   With anyone new to us, we typically present our rising sign.  If they pass muster and we feel we can relate to them, we ease into our Sun sign.  Once we know them for a while, have enough trust to relax in their company, we take off our outer layers and reveal our Moon sign, our vulnerable, soft, emotional self.

Astrologically, the moon represents our: mother, family, how we parent, food, cooking and feeding, our biological inheritance (genetics and shared resources), and psychological roots.  Psychologically, what triggers emotions, trigger thoughts, then trigger actions.  So it is a wise man who knows himself and how he will react from his deepest places:   his heart.  When feelings are steered deftly and with maturity, our thoughts follow suit, followed by our choices:  what we do. 

When we understand our emotional triggers, we can detach and make healthier decisions.  No small thing this.

So then, what is your moon sign?

It may be calculated from the time and date of your birth.  This will also show your moon phase…indicating how you connect to and engage with the world.  New Moon people are different from Full Moon folks are different from Dark of the Moon fellows.

For now, let’s stick to Moon Signs.  Here are the ways each zodiac sign taps into their feelings:

Aries moon:
Initiating, pioneering, brave, courageous, warrior, impulsive, rash, heroic, rescuing, champion, fierce.

Taurus moon:
Values, worth, money, skills, talents, down to earth, stubborn, resilient, realistic, return on investment, artistic, sensual.

Gemini moon:
Data driven, charming, versatile, flexible, mental, intellectual, detached, persuasive, argumentative, curious.

Cancer moon:
Nurturing, comforting, compassionate, empathetic, sympathetic, empathic, intuitive, overly sensitive, moody

Leo Moon:
Creative, optimistic, festive, playful, loud, charismatic, athletic, overly dramatic, generous, spirited, passionate, proud
Virgo Moon:
Precise, analytical, perfectionist, detailed, service, health and work oriented, routine, habits, patterns, efficient, practical

Libra moon:
Balanced, gracious, artistic, relating, charming, diplomatic, fair, judgmental, overly concerned with others, easily persuaded, engaging

Scorpio moon:
Psychological, suspicious, hidden, concealing, passionate, sexual, regenerative, layered, spiteful, deeply sensitive, the detective

Sagittarius moon:
Adventurous, curious, understanding, searching, spiritual, optimistic, bellowing, honest, truthful, casual

Capricorn moon:
Pragmatic, grounded, responsible, honorable, dignified, cold, calculating, structured, ambitious, formal, reserved

Aquarius moon:
Interested, inventive, detached, aloof, different, outre, resistant, ingenius, unusual, group oriented, connecting

Pisces moon:
Mystical, inspired, dreamy, musical, spiritual, selfless, intuitive, hyper sensitive, compassionate, believing, trusting

Once you identify your moon sign, you may also learn where it falls in your astrological chart by house and phase.  These three elements signify how you relate and connect to yourself and others and initiate your work in this world. 

The moon is our psychology.  No matter what your relationship to her, the moon represents our mother, the earliest and most formative of our relationships.  The moon is primal.  Regardless of sign, house or phase, the placement of our moon indicates how we nurture…every one and everything, from ourselves, to friends and loved ones, to any ideas, projects or products we create.   From your moon, all creative energy flows. 

If you are interested in learning more about your moon, its location in your astrological chart by sign, house, phase and how it operates and influences your life, please contact me for a personal astrology session: or