Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Iceman Cometh

The New Year begins very, very slowly.  Much like the frozen northern hemisphere, life stands still.  The dead of winter is upon us now.  Both Motivating Mars, planet of action, and Messenger Mercury ruling communication, are cycling retrograde motion as January 2023 begins.  Retrograde planetary cycles give the illusion that planets are moving backwards.  This is an optical illusion from our position on earth.   Yet while it appears that nothing is happening, underneath the surface of life:  everything is happening.  Like retrograding planets, we just can’t see it from our vantage point.  

I remind clients that if we never slept, how functional would we be in life?  The first half of January is exactly this:  a natural sleep cycle.  Winter compared to summer.  While it may feel like we cannot get anything going or moving forward during the first two weeks of the month, that perspective is also an illusion; for when used wisely and well, this time is very rich indeed. From January 1-18th, planning and preparation hold the keys to the spring.

Best to employ the RE words:  rest, review, research, relax, restore, renovate, reclaim, etc.  You get the idea. Because from MLKing weekend onward, we feel like we’re on a rocket ship.  So take advantage of life moving in first gear as January begins.  Think of it as a warm-up or dress rehearsal for the following three plus months of bustling activity.  It is truly is the perfect time to percolate ideas, your dreams, to build the life you’re envisioning.

While I was too young to understand the message of Eugene O’Neill’s Iceman Cometh when I saw it as a child, the story plots the need for people to perpetuate their dreams, whether fantasy or reality-based.  I mention this because it describes the on-going dance between Neptune and Mars since last fall and which continues into the spring. 

In January, Mars and Neptune are taking a break, dancing away from each other, cycling a distance apart until they clash again later in February.  Their break time affords us increased clarity and clear insight which we haven’t had in quite a while.   Supporting this energy are significant grounding forces to focus our attention.  No less than six out of the ten planets are passing through earth signs as January begins, accentuated by the lunar north node in Taurus.  This is real deal energy that productively directs our time, talents and resources.   What you put in really is what you get out, now.  Think ROI (return on investment) later on down the road.

While it seems we can’t get any measurable traction, focus on what you can accomplish.  Set a goal (or more); make a plan; ask questions if you don’t know the answers; network; deep dive research; rest (yes this is essential for even the most extroverted of us).

Our awareness heightens moving into the Full Moon in nurturing Cancer the Crab opposing Capricorn Sun-Mercury on Friday, January 6th.  Emotionally we are empathetic, in tune and intuitive, even as our thoughts and actions are goal oriented.  Heart vs. Mind joust in vivid Technicolor; but remember:  it doesn’t have to be one or the other, either/or; rather, think:  both/and.  Use this distinction consciously and wisely, allowing your feelings to inform your deeds, letting your emotions guide your initiatives.  Think of this process as left hand and right hand, mind and emotions, playing collaboratively together in seamless coordination.

Boosting our mindfulness as the Full Moon waxes, Valuable Venus shifts into inventive Aquarius on Tuesday, January 3rd.  Aquarius lends detachment to our perspective.  Innovation and unique strategies abound for managing our relationships and resources through January 12th as Venus aligns to Mars.  This alignment couldn’t come at a better time as Mars finally turns direct motion after two and a half long months!  Ideas, communication, groups, networking and technology shift forward; we inch onward at first; then like getting our wheels going beneath us, we start to feel in the flow of life again.

One full week later, strap in for a series of sizeable planetary gear shifts. First, on Wednesday, January 18th, Messenger Mercury turns direct motion in practical Capricorn. Notably, on the same day, the Sun makes its annual conjunction to transformer Pluto.  This is one powerful stretch, as remarkable as it is potent.  Like double espresso strong.  Two days later, the Sun enters innovative Aquarius and the following day, the New Moon in Aquarius occurs on Saturday, January 21st. 

Heading into the holiday weekend of Martin Luther King Day, pay attention to thoughts and words, both yours and others. This is the fourth consecutive New Moon occurring in the first degrees of a sign; meaning:  expect all new beginnings in every sector of our lives.  These early degree New Moons continue throughout 2023 indicating that we have the opportunity to plant what we want to grow whether at home, work, relationship, family, money, health, and much more. 

It is absolutely no accident nor coincidence that these lunar cycles occur now after the deconstruction of the past few years, the pandemic of 2020-21 and destabilization of 2022.  Virtually everything is on the table to revise, renew and/or release.  Capricorn Mercury and Pluto cut out the waste and what is no longer wanted or needed; while the Aquarian Sun and New Moon point us toward alternative and non-traditional techniques and methods to harness.  Anything is possible now says this New Moon.

The updraft and massive tail wind brought on by Mercury-Mars’ push forward simultaneous to the New Moon affords the opportunity to carefully set intentions for the coming month and year.  Hand write three to five goals, prayers or wishes you seek to manifest.  Then set alight in a safe container, either fire pit or fireplace, or bury in the earth if you live in a warmer climate. 

Our wishes are the Cosmos’ command as Change agent Uranus turns direct motion on Sunday, January 22nd marking the fourth and final cosmic gear shift of the month.  The significance of these tightly clustered planetary changes not be overstated. Think of an enormous 747 jet airplane revving its engine for take-off and you get an idea of how massive the energetic thrust forward is now. For those paying attention and making use of the powerful energy this weekend with goodwill and compassion, you’ve got the whole world in your hands.  While the calendar may indicate that 2023 began three weeks prior on New Year’s Day, the energetic cosmic calendar actually starts the third weekend of the month.   

From January 23rd through April 21st, all planets are GO.  Every single planet is moving forward motion.  The frozen energy of early January now gives way to a 3-2-1 launch pad pushing up and onward in every direction.  GO GO GO.  Time to sign major deals, documents and contracts; purchase the large ticket items, list your home for sale; or book big travel arrangements.

The time for rumination and contemplation is over.  It is time to move and move on. Especially to bring your dreams to life. Where the beginning of January was filled with a whole lot of speculation, musing and reflection, the remaining ten days of the month are about doing the thing to knock off the proverbial to-do list.

As a final generous gesture and signature to the month, Valuable Venus enters selfless Pisces on Thursday, January 26th.  In dreamy, mystical Pisces, Venus is an honored guest.  Here, she graces our relationships and resources with benevolence and compassion straight from our hearts and better angels.  She concerned in making sure everyone has what each needs, to live, love and thrive.

Although still deep in winter’s grasp, we now approach Imbolc on February 1st, marking the half way point between the winter solstice and spring equinox.  Imbolc literally means “in the belly of the Mother” because the seeds of spring begin to stir in the belly of Mother Earth.  Earth and heart are spelled with the exact same letters.  Ask now, what stirs deep in your heart to give life when spring arises?

Of Special Note:  To listen to (hear) my monthly astrology forecast, you may subscribe to my podcast Mystical Messages on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. 

Tune into Mystical Messages on Saturday, January 14th and beyond to hear my conversation with intuitive Jennie Sharples. Learn about the gifts she offers and her journey on The Path.


 “Mingle the starlight with your lives and you won’t be fretted by trifles.” – Astronomer Maria Mitchell

Thursday, November 17, 2022

We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

Even in the midst of my frustration, I had to laugh as I started writing the December forecast, the last and final forecast for tumultuous 2022.  Like a hangover, I felt the same energies at play that linger through the first half of December.  Dazed and confused. Blocked and seeking a way forward.  In search of inspiration like water in a desert. 

A slim line separates inspiration from escapism.  Inspiration feels so hard to find while escapism (doing literally ANYthing except the task at hand) feels easy or desirable even.  Rarely have I had such trouble diving into writing… welcome to Mars retrograde in Gemini!  Starting anything is difficult now, especially that which involves communication, information exchange both delivering messages and hearing accurately.  “Motivating” Mars is not so motivating right about now. Especially as it challenges Generous Jupiter and Neptune in dreamy Pisces opposing Venus-Mercury in Sagittarius.

Post-Thanksgiving, we feel oozy, bluesy and yes, a little whoozy.  Our beliefs are turned inside out like they’ve been on a protracted carnival ride, the kind that makes your head spin and stomach churn.  We’re not sure which end is up, what we believe, or what happened to plain and simple facts. All we want is relief and to run, run, run away.

Yet we know:  wherever we go, there we are.  December’s Sun in sagacious Sagittarius rules the law. Those who still insist on ignoring, resisting and flaunting what must be faced will only barrel right into the inescapable Truth, the laws of life and ourselves. Addicts or anyone with addictive tendencies, take heed. 

To surrender rather than running away holds the key. 

Surrender has become a dirty word in our modern lexicon, often misconstrued with losing; rather, surrender means to give way.  Give way to make way.  To allow.  Only three days into December, the dam breaks when inspirational, dreamy, and yes, escapist Neptune turns direct motion on Saturday, December 3rd. We may have no choice but TO surrender.

At first, our confusion doesn’t dissipate entirely; but we feel a gentle intuitive pull forward. Something out there in the fog calls us. Blindly, we move toward a life raft.  An idea.  We still want to escape but we feel a calling.  Perhaps a movie. No, not watching Netflix at home; instead, we actually get in our car and drive to a theatre, paying for a ticket to see a show.  We’ve heard the movie is great, we love the star(s) headlining it, and can prolong our escape for a little while longer, deep in the dark. 

The lights dim and the film rolls.  We are sucked straight inside the story, the characters’ lives, and indelible images carved on our heart.  We laugh. We cry. We feel inspired.  The slim line dividing escapism and inspiration caves in.  The lights switch on and we stand up.  Moving out of the theatre into day light or street light, our urge to run away disappears.  Somehow we leave the movie theatre totally changed, in a completely different head space than we arrived; at least enough to pick up our struggles wherever we left off, renewed and refreshed.  Invigorated, we feel in the flow again. 

This is Neptune: ruler of the oceans and tides. After many months retrograde, Neptune, planet of soul and spirituality, swirls us forward along the current of life’s river.  Never following a straight line, life bobs and weaves us toward our soul’s destination.

Only three days later on Tuesday, December 6th, Messenger Mercury shifts into concrete Capricorn.  Practical and down to earth, Capricorn offers grounding energy.  Like a lighthouse beaming a beacon of hope in the dark, Mercury informs us what is real and realistic, what we can count on.  Our minds and thoughts set firm limits and boundaries, lending ballast to what is otherwise a hall of smoke and mirrors.  

We need every strong hold we can lay our hands on heading into the Full Moon late on Wednesday, December 7th. The cosmic spin doctor is having a field day making it tricky to discern reality from illusion.  We are in the midst of holiday buying season so it is imperative to research any big ticket items you plan to purchase.  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  Make sure to buy a warranty especially for anything mechanical or with a motor. Better yet, buy some time and wrap up a promissory note to put under the tree.  If you can wait until the January or President’s Day sales to buy electronics, autos, appliances or technology devices, try to!

 Illusion, delusion, and deception are watchwords the first week of December, culminating in the Gemini Full Moon conjoined to Mars retrograde. Opposite the Sagittarius Sun, all three challenge Jupiter-Neptune duo in Pisces.  The glass looks full but it’s actually empty. Can you say mirage?  

For many, disillusionment heightens as Mars retrograde digs up and turns over the most unexpected and revealing information (Gemini) that sheds light on actual facts.  Those who have been denying truth may find themselves struggling to justify and come to terms with the reality of matters.  When this happens, despair and despondency proliferate. Hypocrisy and duplicity rule the day.  Watch for people talking out of both sides of their mouths, walking both sides of the street (especially in politics) as we whirl fast around inside the cosmic spin cycle.  Left is right and right is wrong. Everybody’s trying to have it their way or no way at all.

A very good thing then that Valuable Venus follows Mercury’s lead when she turns into Capricorn on Friday, December 9th, giving us two solid legs to stand on. We draw lines in the sand and chart a course.  Clear direction begins to take shape. From firmer footing, we build lasting relationships, earning potential, opportunities and talents.  Finally.

By mid-month, the Moon cycles into efficient Virgo forming a grand earth alliance with Uranus-North node in Taurus and Venus-Mercury in Capricorn.  These create a solid touchstone steering us toward healthy and productive uses of our time.  Consciously choose activities that offer tangible results. 

Driving us forward, Generous Jupiter rolls into fiery Aries on Tuesday, December 20th.  And just like that, we have no time to waste. We feel a fire in our belly and under our feet.  Enough of that dilly-dallying from November and early December.  We have s#%t to do already! Christmas is upon us and we feel under the gun with preparations, cooking, wrapping, still shopping… Before you press the pedal to the metal, the Sun enters austere Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice on Wednesday, December 21st.

Not so fast, the Sun warns.                                                       

Joining Pluto, Mercury and Venus, the Capricorn Sun acts like a giant brake to the otherwise heedless Jupiter eager to get on with things, all things, life in general, in a major push forward.

The New Moon in Capricorn on Friday, December 23rd has other plans.  Both Sun and Moon challenge Jupiter.  That’s five planets in Capricorn giving a hard no, hard pass to Jupiter’s lead foot on the gas pedal.  Heading into the Christmas holiday weekend you may feel the urge to dive right in but friends and relatives may not be so inclined.  Life itself may simply say no and throw up road blocks.  At best, this planetary challenge is catalytic, to take action but in a practical way that everyone agrees about. Or at least the majority.  The best way to use this push-and-pull energy is to take turns.  Balance is key.  One for me, one for you.  Reciprocity. 

Remember to set considered intentions on this real-deal New Moon.  As we close out 2022, an indisputably arduous year, invite those gathering around you to hand-write three to five goals each seeks to manifest in the coming New Year of 2023.  If we have learned anything over the last twelve months, it is to be more conscious and conscientious about our actions, and how we spend our energy and resources.

As if we needed an extra reminder, Messenger Mercury turns retrograde on Wednesday, December 28th.  The New Year begins very slowly indeed with two interior planets, Mercury and Mars cycling retrograde motion until well into January 2023.  A good thing then that we are deep into winter’s territory. Frozen, life slows down to a crawl.  Capricorn rules time. Mercury retrograde RE minds us to use our words and time wisely.  Use the post-holiday period deliberately.  Nature and its natural hibernation cycles affords us a rich phase to dive deep and practice the RE words:  restore, review, revisit, reclaim, research, rest and relax. 

Because before you know it, our rest will end and we must push bravely forward again. 

Of Special Note:

Want to know what’s up for 2023?  Please join me on Thursday, December 7th @6-7 pm for an overview of the year ahead.  Learn what to expect in the New Year and how best to navigate the blessings and curve balls.  This event is hosted by Derith Cass, personal trainer, Founder/Coach of FIERCE by Choice.  To register, please visit:

** The recording will be available if you can't join live

ALSO:  Tune into Mystical Messages podcast dropping on Friday, December 16th for my conversation with energy healer and teacher Djali  of Djali Solutions.  Djali clears clients of stuck energy, to become lighter and enthusiastic by teaching how to tune into and use their intuition to become their own energy pro.  When the going gets tough, the tough turn to Djali!

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Fate and the Furies

To say that these are extraordinary times is undoubtedly an understatement.  No one alive has ever seen the seismic shifts now occurring on planet Earth.  The depth and breadth of changes occurring are indeed difficult to find comparison in the history of mankind. A colleague of mine captured it best when she said, “we are evolving from homosapien to homoluminous.  It is the equivalent of going from Neanderthal to Cro-magnon” stages of human development.  No small feat that. Simply put, this is an immense heart opening.  Man shall now lead from his heart rather than his mind.

This month, the gateway to this evolution swings wide open marking a distinct closure on the old.  November drops us in the crucible of Scorpio time, ruled by Pluto god of the underworld. Life’s layers peel back from the surface with an intensity that is hard to pierce. We see the underbelly and dirty crevices lurking beneath whether we want to or not.

Thus opens November. 

Day One gives us a taste of how the month will unfold, a preview of coming attractions.  What gives?  On November 1, the moon pairs tightly with Taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius.  On its own, this is not an easy duo, as the soft and nurturing moon chafes in detached Aquarius and even more so up against hard-nosed Saturn dictating the rules and calling the shots.  Together they challenge Radical Uranus and the lunar north node.  In short:  the huddling masses will be heard.  Now.

Deepening the intensity of the moment, the planetary trio challenges Venus in Scorpio, making for one ugly love triangle. The usually lovely Venus is not so kind in seductive Scorpio.  Here, she’s more like a woman scorned and bound for ruthless revenge.  Feel the burn?  If things weren’t dicey enough, Motivating Mars just turned retrograde on October 29th.   In Gemini, we Rethink, Revisit and Reflect on the decisions we’ve made that brought us to the present day; we also stew about the decisions of others that impact our lives.  The proverbial rubber hits the road, searing the scalding pavement and churning up acrid smoke.

“The Furies that under earth take vengeance on men, whosoever hath sworn a false oath,” – Homer, The Iliad.

When we tune into our self, stop and quiet the invasive noise in our minds and all around us, we feel our truths.  But this takes some effort. It may feel like bumbling around in the dark, as the Moon-Jupiter-Neptune trio in Pisces duel with Mars, creating an enormous smoke and mirror effect.  So practice discernment during the first week of November, because a cosmic Spin Doctor is hard at work.  It is up to us to decipher who and what is real.  Take care that you don’t fall for any con artist and flim-flam scam.

How to manage this energy?  Ask questions.  No matter how uncomfortable the questions are to ask or how you think your questions makes the other person feel, the time for politesse is over.  Your questions reveal volumes of information.  Sit with the answers you uncover. Check how your new knowledge resonates with your soul, because your soul never lies.  Do you feel content, honorable, clean?  Or heavy, stagnant, unclear?  Remember:  Truth does not mind being questioned; while a lie does not like being challenged. Follow your conscience accordingly.

By Friday, November 4th, the Moon enters fiery Aries and she’s looking for a fight. The Aquarian masses stewing under the Scorpio Sun are triggered by the raging Aries Moon makes for one troubling cocktail. We are primed and teed up for the Full Moon lunar eclipse on Tuesday, November 8th which also happens to be Election Day in the United States.   If all of this sounds dire, it is.  Pluto’s daughters, the Furies, are ready to roll.  Consider laying really low the weekend of November 4-6th.  Definitely plan to be home before midnight. Nothing good ever happens in the wee hours stoked by such cosmic energy. 

Then KABOOM!  Around breakfast time on Tuesday, November 8th, the Full Moon in Taurus opposes the Scorpio Sun, conjoining the north and south lunar nodes.  On its own this eclipse is very strong, getting the whole world’s attention at nearly 15 degrees of Scorpio and Taurus.  Anyone looking for revenge, to send an unmistakable message, or to have their day, will. 


The Sun (our will), Messenger Mercury (communication) and Venus (relationships, values) oppose Uranus (rebellion, change) and the Moon (emotions). Shaken and stirred, the ingredients energetically push the eclipse over the top. Every one of us is put on notice at a minimum; many are deeply triggered.  Mr. Putin may have his say and the women of Iran, not to mention the United States, certainly will at the ballot box. 

Tangible values and intangible rights are front and center, dominating what is up for grabs.  Scorpio (intangible, the unseen) rules sex and sexual organs.  Venus rules women. Taurus (tangible, money) governs kitchen table concerns, fomenting heavy issues at our polling stations:  the government inserting itself into our private parts, inflation raising thecost of living, mortgage rates through the roof, and a flailing stock market diminishing retirement funds. Vote Your Conscience or Vote your Wallet do not have to be mutually exclusive; BOTH ARE TRUE especially when long-term consequences are factored in.

Scorpio and Pluto rule death and regeneration, the veritable phoenix rising from the ashes.  There is no escaping this transformative process as death is the great equalizer, either physically or psychologically. In the aftermath of a storm, there is an inevitable wasteland to be faced and eventually cleared away. It has taken a very long time to reach this day, and here we are.  Whether a career, our home, a relationship, or treasured endeavor, what is done, is now totally over.

We may feel at an utter loss the week after the eclipse between November 9th-16th.  During the immediate time rolling in its wake, self-care is essential.  At a minimum, try to follow basic maintenance:  sleeping and eating right.   Do what you can, when you can, even for just 15 minutes a day to revive and refresh yourself with exercise, meditation, music, hydration, or being in nature.  When we allow for this, it fosters a necessary soulful cleansing and clearing to occur.  We can hear our own beings as we have not before, or for a very long time. 

Then, following a rhythm older than time, the light dawns.  The night is over; whether the trial of hard learned life lessons or the dark night of the soul (or both), light breaks on the horizon, heralded by the planets. First Venus, then Mercury, move into Sagittarius bearing truth and knowledge on November 16th and 17th.  The torch by which they shine allows us to see, perhaps for the first time, what has been kept from us or we’ve intentionally ignored.  The resources that Venus and information that Mercury bring remind us that we are free.  We always have been and will be.

Sagittarius rules freedom and truth born from all knowledge, both book learned and hard-earned experience.  As the light of dawn grows stronger through mid-day, watch for an unmistakable expansive understanding while the Sun joins Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius on November 22nd.   

It is no accident that the New Moon in Sagittarius occurs on the very same day that Generous Jupiter, titan of abundance and knowledge and ruler of Sagittarius itself, turns direct motion on November 23rd.  We live, we learn.  The storm has passed and we survived.  We gained a remarkable and unforgettable education from our experience.

Be sure to take a moment to reflect on your incredible journey, especially given that the timing occurs on the day before Thanksgiving.  On the surface of it, your Thanksgiving travel plans should be smooth.  On a broader, deeper level, use the pause afforded by the extended holiday to realize and acknowledge all you have accomplished and yes, what you have to be grateful for.

New Moons signify new beginnings. Find a moment over the holiday weekend to set your intentions. Hand write three to five goals and wishes to work on over the next month, season or year.  What we think, what we say, what we intend, we do indeed become. It is never more important to take care with the words we use now.  For what you put out into the cosmos, you inevitably receive back.  We didn’t create the laws of the universe, but we must surely live by them.  As above, so below. Sagittarius season reminds us if not guarantees that.

The more we consider ourselves modern and beyond the rules of natural order, the more we come to terms with how alike we are to the ancient mariners of old with only the stars to guide our way.

Of Special Note:

Tune into Mystical Messages podcast to hear my conversation with spiritual guide and teacher Laura Joseph about her new book Secrets to Healing.  Laura shares her wisdom about root causes of illness, including physical, mental and emotional and how to successfully resolve pain and suffering for good.  The episode is available Friday, November 11th wherever you listen to podcasts.   To learn more about Laura, please visit:  Mystical Messages is available wherever you find your podcasts.





Saturday, September 17, 2022

Nobody's Right if Everybody's Wrong

October is the polar opposite of September. Last month was sluggish at best, slow, arduous, and often stagnant due to most planets cycling in retrograde motion.   Meanwhile October is another story altogether.  This month is rife with planetary gear shifts. Like dominoes falling over, the planets now turn direct motion one right after the other. The fast and furious cosmic activity catalyzes, or in some cases, catapults our decisions and deeds. October kicks off with Messenger Mercury turning direct, then capped off month by an eclipse and Mars turning retrograde to boot.

So to learn more about what’s in store, let’s dive in. Ready, get set, here we GO:

Nothing says get a move on quite like Day One of October when Messenger Mercury turns direct motion. BOOM.  It is time to move forward with life in a major way. Proceed signing any significant contracts or documents; book travel plans and purchase large ticket items such as cars, homes and appliances.  Anything you have held off on over the past few weeks is now fine to commit to, including the really large aspects of life:  job opportunities and relationships.

After all, October is ruled by Libra, sign of balance, art, beauty, peace and yes, relationships.  As the Sun entered Libra last month, September gave us space and grace to evaluate our relationships including our primary relationship:  to our SELF.  Now in October, we seek balance in all of our relationships in concert with our own being.  In other words: without forgetting our own well being.  Any routine or practice to center yourself will be especially useful this month to bring order from chaos:   use exercise, being in nature, journaling, meditation, music, whether listening, singing or playing it.  Centering ourselves, we organize and align our other relationships:  our partners, family, children, business colleagues, and friends. 

The value of centering practices in October cannot be overvalued.

We will need all of our wits about us, as we carefully balance the various aspects of our lives.  We tread the proverbial tightrope now, a taught high wire, heading into the second week of October and the Full Moon. 

All full moons are emotionally laden since they mark culmination, fruition and release.  This month’s Full Moon on Sunday, October 9th in the fiery sign of Aries is highly charged as Powerful Pluto turns direct motion on the very same day.  The significance of this timing is key. For the past five months, Pluto has been cycling in reverse gear churning up what has been buried and reconnecting us to our power.  Now, under the glare of the Full Aries Moon, Pluto shifts forward, showing everything to everyone.  Nothing and no one is hidden now.

The Aries Moon is fierce, a warrior and trailblazer.  Opposing the Libra Sun-Venus duo, this moon takes no prisoners.  “Out with the old.  No more Mr. Nice Guy.”  This is raw, red meat energy.  Any dangling, indecisive, wishy-washy tactics or tidbits get trounced.  Not for the faint of heart, there is a brutality to this Full Moon and the week leading up to it.  As if the stakes weren’t already high enough, Taskmaster Saturn and Radical Uranus form their last, exact square during this window.  Think of two heavy weight boxers duking it out and you get the picture.

These two have been going at it for months now and this is their final showdown.  We feel the push to change more than ever regarding:  our values, strategies, principles, talents, toolbox, techniques and more. The more resistant you are to change, the more pushback you will get.  The Change-Is-A-Comin’ Choo-Choo is leaving the station. Better get on board. Because in a deeply polarized nation, the battle lines are indelibly drawn. The old Buffalo Springfield song comes to mind:  “Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong”.  Myriad choices are offered as to how we proceed.  Align with the Light and frequency of love and you cannot go wrong.

Choice is indeed the operative word as two days after the Full Moon, Messenger Mercury turns into Libra, on Tuesday, October 11th, joining the Sun and Valuable Venus.  Libra notoriously wavers, sitting on the fence pondering “should I or shouldn’t I?  Yes or no?  Black or white?” Endlessly debating decisions at hand.

A timely Public Service Announcement:  there are no wrong choices.  Only learning.

Try as we might to have it both (or all) ways, we cannot.  We must choose for ourselves and our wellbeing; especially as the Libra planetary trio has us so focused on others that we tend to forget our own needs and agenda.  So remember to factor in your own desires.  A grand air trine, aligning Saturn-Sun-Venus-Mars-Moon occurs October 14th. The power of persuasion is immense.  Use your thoughts and words wisely; and pay very close attention to what others say.  Ask questions.  Do not be afraid to dig deep and ask for more information.  Knowledge is power.  The old adage:  Think for yourself is never more relevant than now. 

The effects of this grand air alliance last well into the following week. So a word of caution here: we can be easily swept up in the energy of another, whether one person or a group now.  Think peer pressure. In this moment at mid-month, is VITAL to step aside, take a breath and remember what is important to you.  If need be, make a list or notes that you can refer to. Because if you haven’t decided, by mid-October:  you will now.  Or if you haven’t yet cared about exercising your right to choose:  you will now.  Remember to vote for yourself!

The moon enters its waning phase.  Within its darkest days, a trio of planetary gear shifts occur on Sunday, October 23rd, only two days before a New Moon solar eclipse.  The Sun and Venus enter transformational Scorpio while Taskmaster Saturn turns direct motion in Aquarius. Talk about a change in mood, flavor and atmosphere!  BOOM.  Scorpio Sun-Venus work behind the scenes flexing their power and resources while Saturn connects the dots. Together, they lay the ground work for the New Moon eclipse in Scorpio on Tuesday, October 25th. 

Time to seed your intentions during this energetic updraft.  Hand write three to five goals you desire to manifest in the coming month, season or year. Focus on what you DO want rather than what you do NOT want or cannot control.  Either plant your goals in the ground or set them safely alight in a fireplace or firepit. 

On Friday, October 28th, Jupiter reverses into Pisces joining mystical Neptune.  Both challenge Motivating Mars to create one massive smoke-and-mirror effect.  You may feel like you are walking around in a carnival Fun House with warped mirrors and uneven, slippery floors.  So it is critical now to look beneath the surface of matters.  Go ahead:  ask the hard, uncomfortable questions.  If you need permission to make someone uncomfortable, here’s your invitation:  You have permission.  Wouldn’t you rather know the truth and gather all the answers than stay in the dark? 

The question then is:  what will you do with the information that you collect?  Share it? Sit on it? Lord it over another?  Hide it?  When in doubt, check in with your internal GPS, otherwise known as your intuition.  You have it for a reason. You will know what to do with your knowledge when the time arises.

The next day, Motivating Mars marks the final gear shift of October on Saturday, the 29th, turning reverse gear. Over the next two and a half months through mid-January, the Great Initiator Mars prefers to Research, Review and Revisit rather than launch.    In Gemini, Mars gathers and disseminates information.  Retrograde, Mars can reveal unexpected truths.  More information becomes available during November, December and early January to fill in blank spaces and black holes. 

So if you have significant projects and relationships waiting to fly, best to wait until after January 12th if possible to roll out anything new. Otherwise, your life may feel like endless re runs of 50 First Dates or Groundhog Day.  Think of spinning your wheels in the mud.  Speaking of which, if you need to purchase ANYthing mechanical or motorized (laptops, cars, phones, appliances), plan to purchase between October 2-27th.  If you need to purchase one of the above during Mars Retrograde, make sure you do your due diligence and research and be sure to buy the extra warranty.  This is one time you will be very glad you did!














Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Only Way Out is Through

We do not often think of September as a month to re-set or re-charge; we are usually returning to steady routines and rhythms of school and work after summer holidays. Yet re-charging is exactly what we are called to do this month.  What presents as a somewhat cosmically calm month belies essential deep dive inner work to be done.   If your efforts are not moving projects forward now, there is good reason.   Six out of ten planets are fully retrograde in September.  Retrograde is not a negative term; rather, it a natural part of the life cycle.  It is the cosmos’ way of saying:  stop, look, listen; or, think of it as a sleep cycle.  If we were always in forward, action mode and never slept, how productive would we be?

So how do we make good use of our time this month?  Employ the RE words:  Research, reflect, review, renovate, recharge, recycle, reuse, etc. 

Day one of September is a jolt to our senses:  the Radical Uranus and North Node duo opposes the Moon and South Node.  As we head into Labor Day weekend we hear September calling:  hello?  Is anybody there?  This should ease up Saturday, September 3rd when the Moon aligns to Jupiter in fun fire signs Sagittarius and Aries, making for an enjoyable holiday weekend.

On Monday, September 5th, Valuable Venus moves into practical Virgo, joining the Sun to keep things real:  especially our work and relationships.  Venus asks, “who is minding the store?”; she is the designated driver.  For the next two, weeks, Virgo Venus and Sun ensure that we do the right thing, are responsible and accountable.  This grounding energy is especially helpful as we approach the full moon in Pisces on Saturday, September 10th.

Grounding practices and routines are essential leading into the second weekend of the month. Exercise, particularly walking, gardening, bicycling or simply being outside in nature helps our body, mind and soul immensely.  Why?  Messenger Mercury turns retrograde AND the Full Moon occur on the same day.  So let’s break this down to understand the energetic impact:

First, the Full Moon. In Pisces, this Full Moon is tied to Neptune.  Can you say, escape artist?  Many are looking for a way out, to avoid the work that the Venus-Sun pair opposite call us to do. You can run but you cannot hide.  The work, whatever it is on your plate now, must be attended to sooner or later.  So, better to surrender to the moment.  Surrender is the other side of Pisces; the spiritual side of the coin opposite the escape artist. 

Use music and water to soothe and ease your way through this stretch.  Listening to or playing music; swimming, fishing, kayaking, even a simple shower or foot bath helps to take the edge off the frenetic energy September 5-11th; made that much more chaotic by Messenger Mercury shifting retrograde on the same day as the Full Moon, September 10th.

If possible, sign major contracts and purchase big ticket items prior to September 9th; otherwise, plan to hold off until after October 2nd when Mercury turns direct motion.  Life may feel like it has come to a virtual standstill or moving at a snail’s pace for the remainder of September given that six planets are now retrograde:  Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.  Pick your analogy:  pushing a boulder up a mountain, moving through sludge, cutting dense, tough material.  Life isn’t happening now at a clip we humans prefer. 

Time to deploy the aforementioned RE words! 

The energetic downshift is noticeable. It’s like the world called out, “stop, I want to get off.” You may want to as well.  Use the planetary slow down to take a breather, re-set and recharge.  As they say in computer language: control, alt, delete.  Power down so you can power up more effectively next month when the planets move forward.

For the meantime, I cannot very well sugar coat the cosmic news.  2022 has been that kind of a year.  We are in the proverbial crucible now, where chemical and alchemical processes converge at high speed and temperature.  There is no escape from upheaval other than to move directly through what envelops you now.  The only way out is through.  We have signed up to be in this exact time and place, to do this precise soul work.  It is our soul contract.  We are here to do the very heavy soul lifting upon us now.

Underscoring the energetic density, Uranus and Saturn move toward their final challenge in early October.  These two titans have been battling it out for the past eighteen months, prompting notable divisiveness readily apparent in the United States and globally. Both planets are just past the mid-point of their cycles through fixed signs Taurus and Aquarius, urging us to get to it.  Get to what exactly?   

Change.  Admittedly, humanity resists change.  But we are called to change now, and to address the changes occurring in our lives whether we like or agree with them or not.  Because change is going to happen despite our resistance.  Change is the only constant.  Either get on board with change, step aside, or get mowed down.  These are our three choices. Yes, it really is that simple.

Uranus is the Great Awakener.  In earthy Taurus conjoined to the lunar north node, we are called to pay attention to our values:  to whom, what and how we value….ourselves, each other, our skills and talents, how we earn a living and spend our time, and yes, to Mother Earth and its altering climate.  Uranus and the north node demand change in these arenas. 

Meanwhile, Taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius demands innovation, invention, a different approach altogether.  “You know what doesn’t work; so it’s time to try something else: A new path, method, way,” says Saturn.  The Uranus vs. Saturn clash results in major pushback, standoffs and grandstanding.  Expect questions and exclamations like:  How are we going to pay for it all?  What you want (or value) is not what I want (or value).  And, we need to find a better way.

Current events are always a good indicator of how we are doing.  Guns, abortion and inflation now dominate the news cycle in the United States.  Essentially:  moral values versus our wallet.  It will be on the political menu this November.  What will you have to eat?  There is still time to decide.  Our RE-flections usurp the balance of September.  So use the prevailing retrogrades to contemplate your values, what must change in your life and how to go about making those changes. 

Planetary gear shifts are upon us the third week of September.  The Sun turns into Libra on Friday, September 23rd seeking a balanced approach to our pursuits even as Messenger Mercury reverses into hardworking Virgo the very same day, joining Venus.  What can be reasonably accomplished pervades our thoughts, how can we tackle our to-do list and in what time frame.  Make a plan.  The caution here is worry and anxiety about aspects we cannot control.  A good thing then that Neptune in its own sign of Pisces opposes Mercury-Venus suggesting that we:  control what you can, go about your business, surrender the rest.

As part of your plans, remember to hand write three to five intentions or goals for the New Moon on Sunday, September 25th.  Focus on what you seek, rather than the how.  Be as detailed and descriptive as you like; then leave the HOW it will all happen up to The Force or Source, whatever you choose to call it.  This New Moon occurs at a very early degree of Libra.  The Sun (our life force and will) and Moon (our feelings and emotions) gravitate toward peace, beauty, art, relationships.  Libra rules balance. Not because she is balanced; but rather, in pursuit of balance.  Since the pandemic, the need for greater work-life balance has dominated our national and even international landscape.  The giant re-set of 2020-21 in the United States resulted in countless numbers moving residence, quitting jobs, and choosing remote work, all in pursuit of greater personal freedom. In short, we valued our time more than ever.

By comparison, the contemplative stretch of September 2022 is a mini version of this longer and larger cultural pivot.  When Valuable Venus turns into her own sign of Libra on Thursday, September 29th, she joins the Sun and Messenger Mercury.  Together, the three cultivate harmony at work, home, community and school.  The trick is to remember your own needs in the equation.  Libra x 3 planets often has us forgetting about our own agenda as we are so focused on others.  So the end of September comes with a reminder to pencil yourself into your own life and schedule; whether self-care or individual work-related goals, it is more than OK for you to do you. 

As Katharine Hepburn said, “If you always do what pleases you, at least one person will be happy.”  This isn’t selfish.  It is survival.

Of special note:

Kerrin Kuntzman, owner of Harmonic Life Dallas joins me on my next guest episode of Mystical Messages which drops Friday, September 16th.

My webinar “Creativity and Moon Cycles” for National Council for Geocosmic Research is now available via Youtube.  To view it, please visit my Facebook Page:  Hilary Harley Astrology.







Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Where there is a will, there is a way

When you are able, schedule time for play this final month of summer.  Turn August angst into August audacity before hectic September days arrive.  Whether you watch the news or not, or, though you may not be directly affected by the dire events occurring daily in our nation, we cannot help but feel the weight of the current times. It is essential for our health, both physical and mental, to release pieces of the burden we carry. 

Mindful of this, August opens with a particularly challenging aspect.  Astrologers are agog trying to describe the potency of this energy.  And it is not ALL bad. Just super strong.  Like a double espresso, this energy is guaranteed to wake everyone up. The planetary combination began forming at the end of July, making the final week of last month more than prickly.  Now as August rolls in, we feel the full impact. 

What’s up?  For the first half of 2022, the lunar north node in Taurus and Radical Uranus have been inching closer.  Each factor on its own exponentially energizes what it contacts; so together now, this is a force to be reckoned with.  Adding to the mix, Motivating Mars conjoins the north node and Uranus at the end of July well into the first week of August, forming highly charged and combustible energy. 

So there is no way to sugar coat the energetic effects of the first week of August.  Before you rush to worry about what this initial week may portend, it is vital to consider where this combination impacts your chart.  First, let’s pull the three planetary players apart to better understand the energy at play.

First, Uranus rules electricity, earthquakes and lightning.  The planet is called The Great Awakener because it shifts and shakes us when we stray off our soul path. Anything sudden, shocking or surprising has Uranus’ fingerprints all over it.  It is the only planet that rotates vertically instead of horizontally. Likewise, Aquarians (whose ruling planet is Uranus) march to their own drummer and are notoriously independent and innovative.  Famous Aquarian Thomas Edison comes to mind.

If Uranus is THE change agent, then the lunar North Node is our evolutionary calling, drawing us toward a certain sector of our lives to focus on, while Motivating Mars IS our energy.  Like the gas pedal in a car, Mars is our drive or get up and go.  These three are cycling through Taurus, primal earth energy:  ruling our values, worth, self-esteem, and resources both tangible, (land, money, possessions) or intangible such as our skills and talents from which our income is derived.

Together at the outset of August, the troika awakens us with tremendous jolt.  You may be shaken and stirred out of routines now.  The impact is to change what, how and whom we value, in ourselves and in life.  It may very well not be pretty.  Others, may experience key ah-ha moments, windfalls or long overdue reckonings to even out the karmic slate and make them whole.  However you experience this first week of the month, please remember your own self-care and well-being, to practice gratitude for all you do have; to focus on what you do want to create more of in your life and where you can have a positive impact rather than adding to the chaos of this time.

Amidst the sturm and drang this energy stirs up, we receive big help as Messenger Mercury turns into practical Virgo on Thursday, August 4th.  In its home sign, Mercury analyzes, categorizes and compartmentalizes information and how we respond to what comes to us now. Our minds are efficient and clear, grounded and realistic.  We do not bite off more than we can chew; because we are busy planning next steps.  So it is essential to guard against worry and anxiety which Mercury Virgo leans toward.  Focus on what you can control and surrender the rest.

Worrying is like praying for something you do not want to have happen.

Not making anything easier, Valuable Venus now opposes Powerful Pluto during the same stretch from Sunday August 7-11th.  Venus rules our values, money, love and relationships.  Her nurturing and compassionate nature as she finishes passing through Cancer the Crab is pointedly opposing Powerful Pluto in Capricorn.  Venus is called now to say the word NO more often, to watch her expenses and refrain from overextending herself helping others.  You may find yourself bristling at limitations put upon you or your wallet. Due to this, your power may feel particularly pressed, squished or squashed as we approach the Full Moon on Thursday, August 11th. 

This Full Moon also tightly conjoins Taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius carrying weight and gravitas regarding the collective whole.  What affects you, affects me says this moon; so let’s offer what is best for everyone, rather than just the privileged few.  Opposing the Leo Sun, this is one very creative and innovative Full Moon highlighted by Venus’ shift into Look at me Leo only a few hours prior to the Full Moon.   

We feel the old adage come to life:

Where there is a will, there is a way.

And no planet understands that more than Motivating Mars, especially as it turns into Gemini on Saturday, August 20th where it will stay until next March 2023.  So it is imperative to make friends with this energy.  To do so, involves remembering that communication is a two way street.  Gemini, where Mars begins its cycle for over six months, rules all forms of communication.  The glyph for Gemini is the twins, the dominant twin and the passive twin.  In Western cultures, the dominant twin is information sharing:  the talker, speaker, reporter, journalist, social media influencer and more.  The passive twin is information gathering.  It is better regarded in Eastern cultures life:  listening, hearing, thinking, contemplation, meditation. 

Together, the twins form something akin to a radio, delivering and receiving messages.  When Motivating Mars, signifying our drive, enters Gemini, we will experience all manner of communication, healthy and not.  Gemini also rules siblings, cars, trains, buses as well as neighbors, community, and tribe.  Expect more involvement with all of the above.  Need a new car?  In search of your tribe?  Irritating neighbor?  Becoming more community active?  Mars in Gemini pushes you in these directions.

For the next several months:  You also want to pay particular attention to information exchange with siblings, community and neighbors, especially repeating messages while in cars, trains or buses.  This is the universe trying to get your attention.  Information may arrive in different modalities such as advertisement, word of mouth, animal messages, lyrics in songs, and much more. 

Verbal and written information is what distinguishes human beings from the animal kingdom.  In such a polarized and divisive time, we can all agree that the source of our problems now is lack of or unwillingness to communicate.  For better or worse, Mars in Gemini makes sure we use our words.  Watch that you use language with particular care now.  Never has the old adage, think before you speak (or before hitting send on texts and emails) been so critically important!

Tricky days ensue.  Tuesday, August 23rd, Uranus turns retrograde.   The change-agent planet shifting direction never affords smooth sailing.  Expect the unexpected from August 22-24th.  If possible, lay low and practice self-care.  Less is truly more this week. 

We do have cosmic assistance two days later, on Thursday, August 25th, Messenger Mercury enters Libra, aligning with Gemini Mars.  Grace and consideration soften our words as we keep in mind how our messages land on others’ ears.  This is especially helpful when the New Moon in Virgo occurs on Saturday, August 27th.  Virgo is the master craftsman, detailed and analytical.  As you hand-write your New Moon intentions, the more specific your descriptive language, the better.  For example, if your goal is to meet a new romantic partner, describe the qualities you desire or seek; or to increase income, outline business growth opportunities to pursue rather than simply asking for more money. 

As part of your New Moon ritual, I invite you to include setting intentions for collective healing, peace and unity.  Virgo rules health and wellness.  Our families, nation and planet could surely benefit from deep healing.   Many people ask me why the current time is so difficult. In part, the answer lies with cosmic passages our nation is enduring.  It has taken 248 years for Pluto to travel around the birth chart of the United States.  We are in the midst of our nation’s Pluto return and we are collectively feeling every inch of the underworld journey.  The darkest sides of life are surfacing now, the ugliest bits that have been buried or swept under the rug.

“If you’re going through hell, keep going,” said Churchill.

Wounds are messy and we are feeling their pain now.  To heal, wounds require time.

So while Pluto rules the shadow, addiction and death, it also rules regeneration, rebirth and transformation, mystery and magic.  Within chaotic darkness, creativity and healing brew.  As dire as these days feel, they are also infinitely imaginative.  Goals have a 60 per cent greater chance of manifesting when we set intentions and follow through.  Time to pick up your pen; point mind and heart toward the possible. Then let visions fly!

Of Special Note:                                                 

Please tune into Mystical Messages podcast on Friday, August 12th to hear fellow astrologer Jill Jardine and me break down the cosmic activity through the end of 2022.  We will deep dive into the who, what and how for happenings between August through December.  Not an episode to miss!  Mystical Messages is available via:  Google, Apple and Spotify.

ALSO:  want to learn what sparks creativity?  My "Creativity and Moon Cycles" webinar will be available August 10th through the end of September on YOUTUBE.  Visit NCGR webinars on YouTube/Creativity and moon cycles.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Mirror, Mirror

The Moon rules the month of July and Cancer the Crab.  The moon is a great big, gigantic reflector of light, the Sun’s rays.  Cancer is also a water sign and water reflects.  Likewise this month, each of us has our reflectors on, mirroring back to others all that we perceive.  If you have ever done a mirroring exercise, or simply taken a good hard look at yourself in a mirror, we do not always like what we see.  And sometimes, too, we are happily surprised at our reflection.  Our eye catches the reflection and we pause, seeing calm, strength, grace, or perhaps a certain power that we did not expect.

It is no accident that during the first full-fledged month of summer, July finds us moving slower and pacing ourselves differently than during the rest of the hurried and harried year. And while none of the inner, personal planets are retrograde in July 2022, we’re now moving on Moon Time, a definite shift to lower gear.  Cancer saunters and glides, dives deep for delectables beneath the surface.  She rarely races around or rushes.  She takes her time collecting and integrating what she comes across.  Her magic moonlight bathes us invitingly in warm, delicious rays that form our most cherished memories: creating sandcastles with children on a beloved beach; snuggling under the covers with loved ones; baking sugar cookies with grandma.  Memories that surface in private, hidden moments, and surely before we take flight to heaven.

July unfolds just after a New Moon.  Fresh energy develops to grow what we want more of in our lives. Generous Jupiter aligns to a festive Leo Moon to kick off the July Fourth weekend, on Friday, July 1.  Time to get your FUN on.  We’re game for anything especially as Messenger Mercury connects to Saturn in Aquarius. You are connected and The Connector!  Pay attention to who and what comes your way over the weekend.  It might be a holiday but precious people and information may land in your lap.  File away what crosses your radar until you are ready to explore and fully vet potential possibilities as Neptune challenges Mercury during this same time.  You will need to do your homework and learn whether opportunities are the real deal or just smoke and mirrors. 

Speaking of mirrors:  Messenger Mercury joins the Sun in reflective Cancer on Monday, July 5th.  It connects to Motivating Mars which shifts into earthy Taurus the exact same day.  This is a much needed grounding and practical alliance after the epic violence of June when Mars moved through fiery Aries. Now working together, our minds and motivation imagine and deliver practical solutions.  We can certainly use all the help we can get.  Take advantage of this useful energy during the week after July 4th. Not only can you get a lot accomplished; but you will find answers to long-standing questions or problems.

Solutions and answers abound as long as you are open to try new paths and strategies.  The Sun challenges healer Chiron while Mercury boxes with Jupiter, catalyzing us to do something, anything to get to YES.  The Old Days of the Old Guard refusing to budge are rapidly ending.  We can all hear the kicking and screaming of those being dragged into the future.  However Taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius demands for change for the greatest good, the collective benefit, as it duels with Uranus and the North Node in Taurus:  personal values. 

Whether over gun rights, gun control, right to life, the right to choose, a stolen election or a government coup, the struggle is real.  The national push and pull showdown is ON this July.  Often forgotten, Cancer rules the homeland:  our nation.  Your personal values are the nation’s values.  As the individual and family goes, so goes our country. 

Our struggle gyrates to peak torque by mid-month.  The Full Moon in Capricorn on Wednesday, July 13th is tied to Powerful Pluto opposite the Sun-Mercury in Cancer.  Get it in gear people is the message of this Full Moon.  The time for fooling around is now long over.  This especially includes unnecessary power plays and drama.  Any back room or back handed manipulations are reflected in Cancer’s gigantic mirror, witnessed by all.  The Sun and Moon represent our respective father and mother astrologically and boy, these parents have had enough. This is one tough-love Mother Moon, and she is deadly serious.

Pluto is Power.  The Capricorn-Pluto Full Moon is ruthless:  cuts losses, shores up resources, sets stiff limits and boundaries and doesn’t care who it offends.  Whining and crying will do you no good. If you are not towing the line, minding your business and doing the work, you will be shown in unmistakably glaring terms what must be done to get your house in order.  Cancer rules the home, family, and yes, our national family.  You either are an example or you will be made an example of.

The great news is:  for those invested in love and right over might, Pluto bestows tremendous power. Those who show up and on path will shine now.  Loosely aligning to the lunar north node and Uranus, Pluto bears heavyweight windfalls for otherwise invisible people who put their nose to the grindstone, do the right thing day in and day out with no expectation for award or reward.  Will you be one of them? 

Reverberations follow in the wake of this immensely strong Full Moon.  You may feel as though you’ve been through the spin cycle of your washing machine.  Take some time the weekend of July 16-17 to let the dust to settle.  We are in the final days of the Sun’s tour through Cancer, when she sends her strongest supportive energy, helping us to stand on our own two feet.  Think of the baby bird being pushed out of the nest and you get the sense of the stretch between July 13-18th.  We know it is time to evolve and grow.  With that comes trepidation and for some, fear.  Remember:  F.E.A.R is False Evidence Appearing Real.  Time to fly one and all.

Easing our transitions great and small, Valuable Venus turns into Cancer the Crab on Monday, July 18th.  Gear shifts are afoot.  As though passing a runner’s relay baton, the Sun concludes its cycle in this sign of comfort and compassion then hands it off to Venus, who picks it up and begins her passage.  Here, Venus extends Cancerian warmth and care toward our relationships, especially family.  Family matters now take precedence, including relatives, house and home, food, nurturing (including our own self-care).

The next day, Messenger Mercury shifts into Look-At-Me Leo.  Creative and festive with mouth and message, Leo Mercury is the child (or inner child) who will be heard.  He also intends to have a really good time while he’s at it.  He’s joined by the Sun entering Leo on Saturday, July 23rd.   The party is ON the third week of July.  We are game for anything as Mercury aligns to Generous Jupiter in Aries.  Step aside caution:  here comes the FUN.  Try anything just once.  You may surprise yourself at how much you enjoy whatever it is!  If you are planning a wedding or other happenings the weekend of July 23-24th, the energy is ripe for joy.  Try paying in advance for activities, as you want to wake up the following Monday full of fun afterglow, rather than facing a sizeable bill. 

The cost of life weighs heavily on us all.  It is meted out at the New Moon in Leo on Thursday, July 28th.  Although the Sun and Moon align to Generous Jupiter, it is worthwhile noting here that Jupiter turns retrograde at the time of New Moon, suggesting that we use the power of intention with particular due regard.  Especially as Messenger Mercury opposes Taskmaster Saturn and both challenge Uranus, Mars and the North Node in Taurus.  Our ideas and agenda may be waaaay bigger than our pocketbook. 

There is real work to do now.  We’re required to buckle in and take a deep dive into our priorities:  focus on common ground (Taurus) and build a plan from there.  It is all visible in the mirror Cancer the Crab holds up for us to reflect upon, that which unites us:  shared love for our children, safe homes, secure schools and peaceful neighborhoods.  Look in the mirror now. What do you see?

 Of Special Note:

Tune into Mystical Messages podcast to hear my conversation with Leah Goldman of FIKA Coaching.  Leah is no ordinary life coach! A certified life coach, Leah offers a holistic and nature-based approach with equine facilitated learning.  Together with her horse Saint, Leah leads clients to create deeper connection to themselves affording more joyful and creative lives.  Not to be missed, this episode drops Friday, July 15th and is available via Spotify, Google and Apple podcasts.