Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Brace Yourself

Wow. Just wow.  January 2020:  a month astrologers have literally been talking about for years in advance and the rest of us will be talking about for years to come.  It is with much trepidation and consideration that I write this message.  I struggle to inform but not scare anyone.  What’s up?  A whole lot. 

There are three, yes 3, significant cosmic events occurring on the same weekend.  The veil is ripped from our eyes, and our lives.  It is a moment of stark, definitive endings to make way for the new.  We stand naked on the other side, stripped of all pretenses and defenses.  Sound dramatic, even melodramatic?  Perhaps.

I’m sure you’ve noticed what is happening in your own life and in those around you.  This is no accident.  There are no coincidences.  The weekend of January 10-11 is the point of no return.  After which, the die is cast.  So let’s break it down.

Leftover from December, a dominance of Capricorn energy crowds our plates:  five planets (plus Ceres if you, like the astronomers count it as a planet) cycle through authoritarian, cold-as-ice, diligent Capricorn.  Get the work done and don’t mess around doing it, Capricorn.  Yes, that one.  Generous Jupiter has now shifted out of its home sign, philosophical Sagittarius and joined heavy weights Pluto and Saturn.  The seriousness of our lives, what is at stake, is gargantuan.  The BIG THREE are joined this month by the Sun, our will, and Messenger Mercury:  we are laser focused on our goals; or for those who cannot afford goals, concerned with simply surviving. 

It is not an overstatement to say this month lays waste to everything unnecessary or non-essential in our lives, whether financially, psychologically, physically, etc.  Capricorn is black and white, or in many cases, black vs. white.  Color wars come to mind.  Definitive and defining, life or death, your team vs. my team:  here we are.

Capricorn takes us down to our most basic, rudimentary elements:  what we have and what we certainly do not have, what works and what does not work.  There is no more goofing off now says businesslike Capricorn.  If you’ve been playing fast and loose with life, ignoring the rules, cosmic laws are here to clamp down and clean house.  No more Mr. Nice guy.  The illusion and pipe dreams of 2018-19 are shattered.

Leading us into the heart of the matter, Motivating Mars shifts into truth telling Sagittarius on January 3rd.  The Truth shall set you free…as long as you are willing to face the music.  There is no longer any place to run and surely no place to hide.  Increasing light from the waxing Moon now shines into the darkest corners of lives, what we’d rather keep hidden, closeted away from others.

A week later, the cosmic switch begins to flip, starry dominoes triggered one right after another.  Late on the evening of January 9th, Radical Uranus turns direct motion in earthy Taurus.  Unpredictability is the hallmark of Uranus (the only planet in our galaxy that rotates vertically instead of horizontally).  When it changes gears, anything, and I mean ANYthing is possible:  the good, the bad and the curious.

As Uranus turns direct, it loosely aligns with Generous Jupiter which may be our saving grace as it affords silver linings in otherwise wildly unexpected circumstances born from its quirky angle to Mars in Sagittarius.  These two do not play nicely when at odds with each other.  An agitator, Mars in Sagittarius demands the truth no matter what the cost while Radical Uranus in Taurus breaks apart the status quo.  The question leading into the Full Moon is not can we handle the truth (because it’s there whether we like it or not); it is how do we best handle the truth in the bald face of it?  In short:  where do we go from here?

Uranus direct motion sets the stage for the next two cosmic tricks.  Stand back and behold.
Once every 36-37 years the two heavyweights Pluto and Saturn come together.  Pluto, the god of the underworld, titan of transformation, and taskmaster Saturn, lord of dharma and karma combined in any sign is enormously dense and intense.  The last time this occurred was November 1982 in Libra.  Where were you then and what were you doing?  Libra rules relationship, art and beauty.  The Pluto-Saturn conjunction of 1982 kick started the party that was the 80s.

37 years later, this is very different scene as the two join up in reserved Capricorn.  We can’t help but feel the weight of this moment, with fellow titan Jupiter tipping the scales of immensity.  These three make brutally clear:  if you do not have your house in order, you will be made to get it together, the content, the people, the day to day operation.  And when I say house:  I mean virtually any sector of your life that is out of whack:  your body, health, finances, home/dwelling, family, work, or connection to soul/spirit, and more.

Driving the message home on January 10th, the actual day Pluto and Saturn meet, Messenger Mercury, the Sun and Ceres pile on top telling us to get real and get on with building your life, or rebuilding in many cases.  Step by step, one foot in front of the other is Capricorn’s superpower.  It may be serious but it gets the job done as the architect of the zodiac, the master builder.  What are you building in your life?  What goal do you desire?  Capricorn’s essence is achievement, plows through our task and to-do lists.  It stands at base camp, viewing the pinnacle of the mountain, then pragmatically gathers all essential resources to make the climb:  the people and supplies necessary to reach the top.

“You can do it, yes you can,” says Mother Moon in her home sign Cancer the Crab.  The same day of the great Pluto-Saturn conjunction, the Moon opposes the Capricorn Sun to create a full moon lunar eclipse, the 3rd event of this cosmic trilogy. Eclipses are gateways and thresholds marking significant passages in our lives.  The Moon is our only cheerleader during this rather draconian time.  Yes, times may be severe, you may be surviving the harshest of conditions and working through the darkest days of your life, but I promise you, says Mother Moon, you can do this, yes you can.  You’ve got this and I’ve got you.

In nurturing and compassionate Cancer, the Moon empathizes:  “I know this isn’t easy, that it is actually impossibly hard, lonely work you are doing.  But I promise that your investment of time, energy and money will pay off.” Kind words and tough love.  We are in living in uncertain and uneven times, many surviving, not thriving.  Like a new colt getting its legs underneath itself for the first time, we are learning first to stand, then walk.  One day we will gallop.  It takes time, patience and perseverance.  All in very short supply these days.

The convergence of these three cosmic events within 24 hours is a striking pivot point.  A strong lunar eclipse occurring alongside Uranus’ direct motion and the Pluto-Saturn conjunction reminds us we have more character and backbone than we ever imagined.  That we each must stand alone and walk our path by ourselves, to learn for ourselves.  We are always supported in our endeavors.  And the full moon lunar eclipse in Cancer-Capricorn underscores that each of us can do the actual soul work we came here for.  No one can do it for us and there is no escape from the work at hand.  This tough love lunar eclipse says:  no pain, no gain.

The Moon aligns to dreamy Neptune now, so we feel in the flow of life, intuitively understanding the next steps to take.  A few days later, to soften the blow and provide a cushion to life, Venus shifts into Pisces on January 14th.  A queen in a magnificent home, Venus is supremely self LESS in Pisces, like Mother Theresa and the Queen of England combined.  For the rest of the month, Venus jousts with Motivating Mars.  In Pisces, Venus liberally gives away itself and everything else including the kitchen sink (sharing you too) while Sagittarian Mars says Go Big or Go Home.  You may find yourself struggling to say no, to find the brake pedal to slow down.  Fortunately the three planets in Capricorn, Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter limits our spending and over-zealous commitments.

January 17th, Mercury shifts into Aquarius where it is most comfortable, naturally networking, connecting and inventing.  Joined three days later by the Sun on the 20th, we look at life through a humanitarian lens at month’s end.  What benefits the group also benefits each individual and vice versa. Aquarian Sun-Mercury breaks apart old stereotypes, out dated customs that no longer serve a purpose while connecting us to people, opportunities and lifestyle that suits our current and future interests.

The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on January 24th with Mercury at an eye-popping degree.  Watch for strong messages, surprises, plot twists and particularly keen awareness.  At the same time, Venus, goddess of love, money and relationships makes her annual conjunction to big sister Neptune in Pisces.  The pairing lasts through the final week of January, gently inspiring, flowing around and within us, uniting us and reflecting that we are one, collective body; even as individuals from various origins and customs, a common thread of Light runs through us one and all, belying separateness as merely an illusion.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Verdict

December opens as Generous Jupiter finishes its year-long tour through Sagittarius, the fire sign it rules.  Freedom, truth, spirituality, travel, education, the law. Each label points to the same thing:  The Quest.  And indeed, in 2009 we have individually and as a whole been on quite a journey, in many cases, life changing ventures.]

In the wake of the Thanksgiving holiday, Jupiter offers up its final lesson, an examination if you will.  It asks:  what have we learned over the last 12 months?  The end of academic semesters are near.  No coincidence there!  Now is the time to demonstrate your knowledge, apply the lessons and show the truth as we experienced it. 

When Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 3rd, it gradually joins Pluto and Saturn, the verdict (our grades) will be delivered, next month in January 2020.  Will you pass or will you fail the tests of life posed to you now this month?  This is no game or trial run.  It’s nothing less than your life at stake.
How well you integrate learned experiences from the past year is on the line.  Prepare to deliver your defense.   Just after Jupiter turns into Capricorn, Messenger Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 9th after its extended retrograde cycle through Scorpio in October and November, digging up information and bringing it to light.

The shift in energies is unmistakable now as truth seeking Jupiter turns into cold, calculating Capricorn, black and white energy, what works and what does not.  Check off all boxes that apply:  have you been honest in all of your dealings?  Have you honored yourself and your own path?  Have you practiced live-and-let-live with all others?   True or False:  You either did or did not.
This is not a multiple choice test.  Messenger Mercury in Sagittarius draws up the exam and outlines the questions while Jupiter in Capricorn is the presiding judge and jury.  You know the answers or you don’t.  Jupiter is not at its best in Capricorn, the sign ruled by fellow cosmic titan Saturn.  Jupiter expands while Saturn restricts with set limits and boundaries. In short, Jupiter feels hampered and hemmed in by this restrictive sign. For the next year while Jupiter cycles thru Capricorn, our ability to grow, develop and expand only occurs to the extent we obey the rules.

For much of December, four out of six planets keep us grounded in earthy Capricorn:  Pluto, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter, the two heavyweights and the two benefics.  Capricorn is practical and pragmatic energy, realistic and goal oriented.  At its best it is responsible, honorable and focused on doing the right thing.  At worst, Capricorn is status conscious and overly preoccupied with reputation:  what will the neighbors think? 

In our own lives, we can see how Capricorn draws lines in the sand and says, “you better stay on your side” or “do not cross that line, but if you do ___________ will happen.”  Fill in the blank.  Capricorn is playing its hand in the stark, raving divisiveness of the United States.  This is not warm and fuzzy energy and has a grim reaper quality.  Much like the winter season it governs, Capricorn is reserved and discriminating.  Creatures die out in the icy, raw elements unless they adequately prepared their homes with necessary food and protection.  If not, so be it.  “You get what you deserve,” says Capricorn.  “You had fair notice and warning.  Not my problem, not my job to save you.”  Capricorn and its ruler Saturn deal with the biggest guns of all: karma and dharma.  It is deadly serious.  A matter of life and death:  will you live or will you die?

Hamlet and For Whom the Bell Tolls come to mind.

For most, we are focused not on a physical death but rather the life or death of the spirit.  Your own spirit, not that of any particular religious order.  Have you honored your spirit within the boundaries life afforded?  Or have you tried to game or cheat the system?  It is OK to break the rules if you also do no harm to yourself or others.  So be honest:  have you?  If so, time is up.  It is time to face the consequences.  Capricorn rules both time and consequences:  The Verdict.

The Verdict rolls in on the Full Moon, December 11th, glaringly obvious to all underneath its spotlight in talkative Gemini.  With Messenger Mercury now in wise Sagittarius, the truth is delivered and the law applied.  The prevailing Capricorn energy dominates this Full Moon with gentle Venus wedged tightly between taskmaster Saturn and powerful Pluto.  Venus rules love, money and relationships.  In the weighty position at Full Moon, she reminds us that time is money and money is power.  Capricorn is all business, all the time, efficient, with no time, money or energy to waste.  Get your facts straight or get out, or get on with it already. 

With Mars in Scorpio at a vital, world-attention getting degree aligning exactly to Neptune, our razor sharp intuition underscores what we know what is real and accurate beyond the shadow of a doubt.  We know what’s up.  BUT: this Gemini Full Moon does challenge Neptune, making a last gasp effort with slippery sleights of hand, smoke and mirror special effects to test our understanding of the lessons.  The test is this:  do you trust yourself more than another?    Or are you giving your power over to someone else to lead the way?  Will you fall for and be tricked by illusion, smooth words and bombastic claims, OR will you trust the facts and reason, based on all you have learned, what you know to be true and underscored by your own intuition?

The most beautiful, useful and effective angle of this December 11 Full Moon is the alliance between Generous Jupiter and Radical Uranus in earthy Capricorn and Taurus.  Jupiter is the Santa Claus of the zodiac, the titan of abundance and blessings while Uranus is the Great Awakener and cosmic Change Agent.  The two harmoniously align only for the month of December but do grant us a magic wand.  In grounded, realistic signs, Jupiter and Uranus afford myriad opportunities now.  Manifestation is nigh and breakthroughs abound.  Want to break through cultural barriers, psychological or tribal conditioning?  Want to break free from what has held you back or confined and say YES to what or whom is knocking on your door, or on your own heart?  Want to follow that PING that tantalizes and excites you? 

In short, this grand alliance invites us to follow our soul’s calling now despite the cost or what others think.  And we are granted abundant support at the same time, December 1- January 4th.  Use this cosmic magic wand wisely and you will accomplish so much! 

The days leading into Christmas spy several planetary shifts.  Friday, December 20th, Venus turns into inventive Aquarius.  We now feel inclined to include rather than exclude others, to be part of a group and network.  Aquarius connects us and is the Great Humanitarian.  As much as Aquarian Venus has us marching to our own drummer, it also values those who are a little bit different, those who do their own thing in their own way.  Venus’ placement in this sign is awesome for Christmas gatherings as we can detach from the fray yet still partake in the whole.

The next day, the Sun shifts into Capricorn joining Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter to mark the winter solstice.  This sets the stage for the New Moon solar eclipse the day after Christmas.  As legendary Irish poet wrote his epitaph, “Cast a cold eye, on life, on death,” we now feel every icy inch of this deadly serious Capricorn energy. 

We are heading into the Great Saturn-Pluto conjunction in a few weeks, later in January. These two meet up only once every 36 years.  There is no margin for error now.  The dye has been cast.  Closing out 2019, Messenger Mercury joins four other planets in Capricorn on December 29th.  It renders the verdict we have been waiting for, or, trying to avoid.  There is still time to change course.  How do you want your verdict to read?

Of Special Note:
If you are looking for a gift for the hard to buy for relative or friend, consider giving a gift certificate for an astrological reading.  Please visit my website:  www.hilaryharley.com to purchase.  Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Speak Truth to Power

November sneaks up on us like a stealth bomber.   With the Sun, our will, and Messenger Mercury just turned retrograde, both in secretive Scorpio, our mind and our actions go undercover.  Together, scouring for information, they assemble discordant puzzle pieces like the finest sleuth.    While we may be preoccupied with what we find, do not be fooled.  Keep your eyes wide open says Sun-Mercury; be aware and awake as possible.  This month is exceptional for investigating and prying to bring to light the unseen.

Messenger Mercury rules communication and just turned retrograde motion on Halloween (trick!).  For the next three weeks, the ultimate trickster will be diving crazy deep to source answers.  With Mercury reverse gear until just before Thanksgiving, it is best to hold off on any major purchases (appliances, cars, homes and ANY technology device).  Avoid signing documents of significance until November 21.  Use this time to your advantage to REsearch products and deals under consideration.  The great news is that Mercury turns direct motion a week before Black Friday and key holiday shopping days.

As the messenger planet plunges into Scorpio, the deepest zodiac sign, it pairs with the Sun and acts like a forensic accountant or psychologist.  Please know that if you go searching for something between November 1-20, you will turn up all varieties of information:  the good, the bad and the ugly.  Ask yourself then, what will you do with what you find?  Scorpio rules power, sex, death, shared resources, joint finances, inheritance, (taxes too!), transformation and the metaphysical realm. 

All facets of Scorpio are at play for the first three weeks of November.  With retrograde Mercury, we are reviewing the above sectors in our life.  REmember, this is the perfect time for any RE words:  research, review, revisit, renew, relax, renovate, repair, rework.  It is helpful to know that Scorpio is known for its darker, vicious side and with Mercury reversed in this sign, words once out of the mouth cannot be put back in or made to go away.

Just as we are stepping into November, Mars in Libra challenges its big brother Pluto in Capricorn.  This catalytic energy prompts us to ACT.  Motivating Mars stirs the pot with relationships and partnerships of all types, including to yourself and people or groups we do not like, as Libra rules open enemies (al qaeda and ISIL); while transformer Pluto demands the responsible overhaul of the status quo and how we respond to others.  Behavior.   Behavior, what we do even more than what we say, matters very much now.  Our behavior shows who we are.

November 2nd in particular looks dicey as the maternal moon is tightly wedged between heavyweights Saturn and Pluto in practical Capricorn.  Where do you need to take action and make changes at home or in business?  With your family, diet, the dwelling you live in or business practices?  The Capricorn moon is notoriously detached and removed; packed between taskmaster Saturn and powerful Pluto, it can be downright cold and calculating.   Capricorn’s phrase is “I use”, which helps when you need to distance yourself and act responsibly in any partnership or collaboration.  But DO expect to be pulled into a relationship dynamic, business, family or otherwise this first weekend of the month.

At the same time, Venus shifts into Sagittarius on November 2, broadening our interests with love, money and yes, partnership.  For the next month we seek people who will expand our worldview, are adventurous, educational and above all, honest. This is REfreshing to say the least!  A breath of clear air amidst all the intense Scorpio and serious Capricorn energy.  Just when we need it, Sagittarian Venus gradually joins Jupiter in its own sign, the two benefic planets inviting us to explore, travel and learn.

The beginning of November is a defining time.   Speak your truth.  Speak Truth to Power.  As Messenger Mercury in Scorpio uncovers new information and Saturn-Pluto pushes us to use what we find, Venus-Jupiter prompts us to be honest in all of our dealings; to learn from what we discover (definitely grow from our mistakes) and apply the law as needed.  Like tough-love parents, Jupiter-Venus in Sagittarius says the truth shall set you free AND knowledge really is power.  In our search for truth, remember the Rumi phrase “what you seek is seeking you.”

If you are going on vacation the first few weeks of November, you will learn much from your travels.  Even a staycation at home is beneficial and will bring adventure and growth.  Sagittarius Jupiter-Venus maximizes the beneficial effects of Mercury Retrograde:  deep, deep rest and relaxation combined with new frontiers, knowledge, mindfulness, meditation and yoga flourish during the first 2-3 weeks of the month and may produce exceptional mind, body, spirit connections.

At mid-month the Full Moon in Taurus opposes Messenger Mercury in Scorpio yet helpfully aligns with Capricorn Saturn-Pluto.  The Taurus-Scorpio axis is about money and resources:  how we earn, spend and invest our income and joint finances.  Flowing beautifully with Saturn-Pluto, this Full Moon curbs frivolous spending and prompts solid, wise investment in ourselves, ventures or products that are built to last.  Unlike many Full Moons, this one is not so intense or fraught with conflict.  The Moon is exalted (especially honored) in gentle Taurus:  think Mother Earth.  Enjoy the fruits of your labor, the harvest of all that you planted.  If you do need a reminder, she says remember:  what you sow, so shall you reap.

Two days later on November 14th, Messenger Mercury delivers some very strong messages, deep and potent, that which we may not want to hear but do need to know.  Secrecy, the forte of Scorpio abounds right now.  You may be privy to powerful information or asked to keep key facts in confidence.  

Our intuition is heightened ever more by the 19th when Motivating Mars enters Scorpio.  Our spidey senses are off that charts accurate now, so pay attention to your inner knowing as it is correct; above all, use caution with whom you share any details.  Mars flexes its power in Scorpio for the next 6 weeks. Our interest in sex, how to transform a situation we find ourselves in or search ever deeper for solutions really flows.  From November 19th through year end is an excellent time for artists and scientists alike.  The caution is the dark side of Scorpio:  addiction, cruelty and misuse of power. 

The very next day Mercury turns direct motion on November 20th.   Go ahead and sign the contract and buy the big ticket items you have been holding off on or researching.  Hooray!  Just in time for Thanksgiving travel and the holiday shopping season.  Our mood expands as the Sun (our will) moves into optimistic Sagittarius on Saturday, the 23rd followed by the New Moon on the 26th.  It aligns with healer Chiron in Aries as we gather to share gratitude for all we are and all we have.  This New Moon sets the table for us, offering fresh attitudes and approaches to healing old wounds.  Perfect timing especially as we mix with family members over the next several days.  The New Moon invites us to be a student and a teacher, to look at life through a generous, big picture lens, to know that we are part of something grander than alone individually. 

Venus enters Capricorn at the same day as the New Moon, keeping our relationships grounded and real.  This is a very business-minded Venus as it aligns to Uranus in Taurus through the end of November, urging us to make necessary changes in partnerships.  Business collaborations and deals present themselves and afford distinct advantages.  All that Scorpio energy earlier in the month, our deep dives into the underside of a problem or situation turns up answers and solutions we have long sought.  Pay attention to key messages and information on November 26-27 as Messenger Mercury returns to the notable degree it passed over around the Full Moon.  What was revealed then under the spotlight at mid-month?  Are you offered another, second chance, to speak up, to say yes to opportunity?  Did you hesitate earlier as you did not feel the timing was right?  Well, the time is now!

Your intuition is spot on.  At month’s end insightful Neptune turns direct motion aligning to the super strong Mercury and the messages it now delivers.  In short, we know with 100 percent assurance what is up, what is right, what we must say and do.  We feel in the flow.  Thanksgiving indeed overflows with abundance.  Opportunities envelop us. Say yes and seize the day!

Of Special Note: 
Holidays are fast approaching.  Make it easy on yourself and give the gift of an astrology consultation for the hard-to-buy-for people in your life!  Please visit my website www.hilaryharley.com to request a gift certificate! 

Monday, September 30, 2019

Putting All of Your Cards on the Table

Libra is known for peace, negotiation, art and beauty. It strives for balance, equality, and reconciliation between differences.  But this sign of order is lesser known for ruling open adversaries.  Libra represents opposing views and those who hold them.

 Open adversaries.  Think about that.  No one is hiding, plotting or planning to undermine you, but rather is out in plain sight, sitting next to you, telling you quite plainly that you are wrong and why. All is fair in love and war. This month we feel all may be so very unfair.  How do we reconcile inequality?  Libra’s effort toward justice, however, may bend over backward for concern with the other (your co-worker, partner, relatives, children).  So be aware of completely forgetting yourself.  Focused intently on making the fairest decision for everyone, the right and best choice, watch that you hesitate way too long and another, quicker, more decisive person swoops in and suddenly, you no longer have any choice.

Planetary gear shifts crank into place from the outset of the month.  On Thursday, October 3rd, Messenger Mercury rolls into Scorpio while Transformer Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, turns direct motion.  Hello!  Our minds, thoughts and words now take a deeper look, pause to examine every single fact, observing each carefully.  We pay critical attention to ALL of our senses, not just what we see and hear; but also our emotions, intuition, gut instincts feeding us vital details.  Directly opposite Uranus, the Great Awakener, Messenger Mercury points out what we may have missed earlier.  If you are searching for answers and solutions now in any area of your life:  finances, work, relationships, Psychic Scorpio delivers. 

This first ten days holds a particularly sweet spot for artists and scientists, researchers in any field.  Eureka?  Yes, EUREKA!  Meanwhile, Pluto’s direct shift in practical Capricorn moves the Real Deal wheels and gears forward.  The God of the Underworld in structured Capricorn asks:  are you towing the line?  Doing the work, living honestly and with integrity?  Neither Pluto nor Capricorn are warm and fuzzy.  Both deal in cold, stark terms:  the black and white, no nonsense and yes, unforgiving.  If you do not make the effort, don’t expect to be rewarded, much less achieve your goal.  Pluto is now moving into the final third of Capricorn where its emphasis is felt even greater.

Capricorn is an earth sign.  The youth movement to save the planet wants to know, “Will we even have an Earth on which to live in the future?” Their plain battle cry begs our attention.  Pluto direct motion in Capricorn churns up our most basic survival needs.   Capricorn is an action sign.  DO. We now act on what we have mused about for the past few months.   Where we have dragged our feet, or worse, refused to budge, Pluto pushes the inevitable upon us.  And it often isn’t pretty.

The immediacy we feel to act increases as Mars shifts into Libra the very next day on October 4th.  Talk about opposites!  Motivating Mars rules Action Aries, God of War.  Here now in the sign of peace, equality and balance.  How is that going to work, you ask?  Or not work…  Remember, Libra rules decisions and open enemies.  Mars is our drive.  Ideally, this combination would drive us toward peace in our relationships or between nations.  

Guess what?  With Mars in Libra, this is more often not the case.  Mars agitates, annoys, aggravates.  He is THE disruptor.  His agenda is to incite, wants us to get going.  Enough of Libra’s quest for calm and order.  And so, when tipping the Libran scale of decision-making, Mars votes for conflict and war.  Don’t just sit there:  do something.

October will not go gently into that good night.  Oh no.  On a macro level, the world stage is set for strife.  Think Presidential Impeachment in the United States and Iran vs. Saudi Arabia globally.  And what about your personal world?  Where are you negotiating?  For fairness, for an equal share or equal rights?

Several days later, Vibrant Venus moves into Psychological Scorpio joining Mercury, both opposing Uranus in Taurus.   Expect ah-hahs, surprises and shifts in the arena of resources which both Scorpio and Taurus rule.  We are taking a hard look at ours:  what we have and what we do not have.  Change agent Uranus says it’s time to earn money through alternative applications of our skills or develop new talents to increase income and revenue.  Opposite Mercury-Venus, it also has us consider dipping into a joint savings account, asking a relative for money or taking out a bank loan.

Scorpio deals in secrecy so just remember if you “inadvertently” don’t share information or live by omission, you will be revealed later on.  Hiding behind the on-going Jupiter-Neptune smoke and mirrors effect only digs us deeper into an unnecessary ditch.  While the Sun and Mars sit on Libra’s fence deciding which way to go, remember it always serves you well to choose truth.  You benefit in the long run to be honest with yourself and others even if there is short term pain.  So tell it like it is.  Have the hard conversation.  Make the difficult choice.  Inner peace is invaluable.

Under the glare of the Full Moon on Sunday, October 13th, we won’t be able to hide anyway.  In fierce and fiery Aries, the Full Moon opposes the Sun in Libra.  Talk about a trigger point, or trigger happy.  Wow.  This Full Moon is combustible.  Pluto swings exactly at the midpoint between Sun and Moon.  The Sun, our will, seeks harmony, asks what happened to the days of compromise where each party gave a little for the greater good?  This Full Moon could care less.  It rules our impatient emotions spoiling for a fight.  In the middle, Transformational Pluto in calculating Capricorn asks, what do I get out of peace OR conflict?  It says everyone loses when you settle for peace at any price, so better go big or go home.  This Full Moon means business. 

Where you face decisions in your life, remember:  there are no wrong choices, only learning.  Yes, sometimes the hard way.  The good news is that this same stretch at midmonth offers plenty of flow:  Mercury-Venus align with Neptune and the North Node, our directional calling.  The troika calls our soul, invites us to surrender and flow, to follow our purpose and path.  When we flow with our personal truth, we always win.  Even if it takes a while to realize it.

The following week, the Sun shifts into Scorpio on October 23rd, joining Mercury-Venus.  Our will matches our words and resources.  The wisest way to harness this energy is through right use of power, shared resources and joint finances for the benefit of all. We are drawn toward deep dives, prolonged/investigative research, mystery and looking under the hood in all aspects of life.  We search for answers not readily obvious.  Messenger Mercury is slowing down now preparing to turn retrograde on Halloween, October 31st. 

Make like a detective, asking thoughtful questions, use keen observation skills to penetrate beneath the surface of matters.   Three interior planets in Scorpio heightens our intuition, gives us X Ray vision.  We know what’s up.  Follow your vibe.  It is correct!  Use the time from October 23-31st, the final week of October, wisely and well.  Do not be afraid to ask the hard questions that may ruffle feathers, or to stand up for yourself and what you know is right.   Especially around the Scorpio New Moon on October 28th.  ALL will be the better for it when the truth is revealed to be dealt with in the open.  No more hiding in the shadows, duck and covering.  Put all of your cards out on the table now.  Then let the chips fall where they may.

Of Special Note:
Please join me at the Fall Artisans Show in Dover, MA.  I am offering mini readings (please book in advance) along with many wonderful artists showcasing a variety of unique work for sale.  Event dates and location:  Thursday, October 24, 6-9 pm; Friday, October 25 10 am-2 pm; Saturday, October 26 10 am- 4 pm.  6 Turtle Lane, Dover, MA   To book a 20 minute mini reading with me for $25, please contact host Soni Masur at 339.225.1389.  Hope to see you there!

Friday, August 30, 2019

Know how....And How!

A remarkably quieter month cosmically, September’s low key energy keep us grounded.  The fireworks of Leo’s August unfolds graciously into focusing intently on the details at hand.  Back to school and back to work means putting our heads down and training our eyes on the ball.

September is humble and relatively drama free.  But please don’t mistake the softer spoken sign of Virgo for a pushover.  While some are creating noise and hullabaloo for the sake of it, earthy Virgos are busy lining up their ducks in a row.  They know the score in precise measures and track every single account with flawless accuracy.  Virgo is nobody’s fool.

Yes, September is a notably calmer month due to the lack of celestial gear shifts and the inner planets now cycling through subtle Virgo.  Unlike August when this same cluster (the Sun/our identity, Venus/love, Mars/our energy and Mercury/communication) passed through Look-at-Me Leo, these planets now align with heavyweights Saturn, Pluto and Uranus in earthy Capricorn and Taurus.  

From the New Moon in Virgo on August 30th, we felt the choppy ebb turn into a flow.  The seamless flow continues well into September with 7, yes seven out of ten planets forming a grand earth trine, offering harmonious collaboration to get work done.  With the exception of Jupiter and Neptune still battling it out over truth versus illusion, the vast majority of planets focus our attention like a laser beam on the F-A-C-T-S.

Seven planets point to exact data, showing in crystal clear terms what must be dealt with right now.  Get to work, get down to business or else, directs this energy.  More importantly:   we want to.  We feel more than just motivation from cool, crisp fall air; this is powerful manifestation energy.  Saturn-Pluto sharpens our dreams into goals, cutting through our days like a knife, saying there is no more time to waste; while Radical Uranus in Taurus says change and change now or risk all you have and worked for, Mother Earth included.  The inner planets in Virgo corral figures, evidence, and raw material to support our points, plan and prepare us individually and collectively for the future come what may.

Intuitively we understand what people and resources to gather, as well as the steps to take to accomplish our tasks.  It is not an understatement to say that used well, the planetary alignments from September 1 to the Full Moon on the 13th is nothing short of miraculous.  Know-how meets And-how!  Remember, earth energies are not loud and brazen.  They prefer being behind the scenes analyzing, calculating, producing, and yes, perhaps manipulating for good and the not so good.  Think:  proficiency, effective systems, smooth operations, perfectionism. 

The catch, because there always is one, is the foursome of inner planets in pragmatic Virgo boxing with Jupiter in Sagittarius and opposing Neptune, giving tremendous dynamism to what otherwise might fall by the wayside.  In other words, this challenge makes sure we use the energetic blessings of September and use them well. The Jupiter and Neptune Pisces duel asks us how big can you dream?  What will happen if you dare to go BIG?  Live large, larger than life?  Huge, Grander, GRANDEST?   

Behind the curtain, in the room down the hall, the fearsome foursome of inner planets in Virgo are concerned with the particulars, the what, how and where.  Sun, Venus, Mars and Mercury weigh options, estimate, prepare lists and details.  So you want to go to the Moon?”  these planets ask.  “Then you’ll need X, Y and Z, 7, 8 and 9, to get there…”

The energetic combination of immense dreams, huge in scale, versus raw data reality is exactly the force that landed man on the Moon.  At the outset of September, ask yourself, if no dream is too big, where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?  Then follow up with, how will you get there?  As the old joke goes, “how do you get to Carnegie Hall?  Practice.”  A very Virgo trait.

Those refusing to face reality now, preferring denial over actuality, September will be harsh.  This is a climate ripe to burst bubbles.  The magic only happens for those willing to play the hand dealt them.  That magic wand of manifestation is reserved for those working in real time and real numbers.  All others are sidelined until they get a grip on their circumstances.  If you believe in a mirage, you will have no water to drink and the destination will always remain out of your reach.  However, if you know for sure there is no surface water in the desert but are willing to dig a well to find some, you will indeed.  In short, roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty.  You will have support, resources and succeed.

This energy culminates on the Full Moon, Friday, September 13th.  Ominous?  Perhaps.  Or an omen.  Depends on how you play your hand, your choice(s).  The Pisces Full Moon joins Dreamy Neptune opposing the Sun-Venus-Mars-Mercury squad in data driven Virgo.  Illusion (pisces) is impossible to hide under the glare of this Full Moon.  The man behind the curtain is unmasked, revealed for exactly who he is:  a charlatan.  With Jupiter in Sagittarius smack dab in the middle of this configuration demanding the truth, do yourself a favor:  do the right thing and speak the truth.

Jupiter has answers in mid-September to the riddles mounting all summer.  The education planet in its own sign of Sagittarius holds the key to the door of liberation.  On the other side is freedom.  Sure, you can stay locked up in disappointing disillusion; or you can take a chance (Jupiter) and expand, grow, explore what awaits you.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  Why not try?  You have nothing to lose.

The very next day, on September 14th, Messenger Mercury and Valuable Venus shift gear into Libra at an attention getting degree.  Our minds, communication and relationships lean toward consideration of others, art, beauty, negotiation, balance.  The trick with Libra is making decisions:  choices, choices, choices.  Libra sees all sides, the pros and cons, and wants everyone to be happy.  Just remember to take care of yourself in this mix, to pencil yourself into your own life.  Because if Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.  So help yourself even as you reach to help the disabled person next to you.  When weighing options, ask:  are you factored into the outcome or just looking out for everyone else?

If you wait too long, decisions might just be made for you.  Especially as three days later, on the 17th, taskmaster Saturn turns direct motion.  In its own sign of ambitious Capricorn, Saturn now opposes the lunar north node in compassionate Cancer.  The reality of our situation faces us squarely, particularly on the home, family and food front.  If you have neglected your own health and well-being, the pied piper is calling you now.  Nurturing everyone else is wonderful, as long as you set limits and boundaries for your own best interests, says Saturn direct.  If you can’t say no, the universe has other plans for you now.  This is one curve best to stay ahead of.

The urge to strike a balance between the needs of you and me, us and them, increases when the Sun joins Venus and Mercury in Libra on Monday, September 23rd.  As does the disease to please increase.  Saturn-Pluto challenges Venus-Mercury by drawing lines in the sand, lines clearly marked: do not step across.  While Sun-Venus-Mercury want to negotiate, figure out a way for everyone to get an equal share of pie.  The determining factor is, in fact, resources:  how much pie, earth, water, air, money is there?  Mars in Virgo aligning with Pluto has an exact tally of the numbers.  Knows the inventory backwards and forwards.  Yes, the pie may divided equally to satisfy the planets now in Libra; but those with large slices will need to share some of theirs.  And as we know, that can go one of two ways:  to serve the larger interests of the whole, humanity, or to stay small and fiercely guard our slice of pie.

The New Moon on Saturday, September 28th has four inner planets in Libra, Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus, and finds us more than willing to share.  Just remember to save an equal measure for yourself. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

All New All the Time

 August gives us a beautiful opportunity to begin our month and lives afresh.  The month opens with a brand spanking New Moon dancing on the cusp between July and August.  For those on the East Coast of the United States and Canada, the New Moon occurs near midnight on July 31st.  Anyone west of the Mississippi, however, the New Moon enters August on the First.  For all, it is best to hand write and cast your wishes and goals on August 1st or 2nd.  Either plant them in the ground or cast into a moving body of water. 

From here, everything follows.  You can firmly hear the Roar of August’s signature Leo the Lion.  Four, yes 4 planets are in this fiery, fertile sign:  Venus (love/money), the Sun (our will), the Moon (emotions) and Mars (our energy); three of which align with Generous Jupiter.  Be very clear about your goals and wishes; because this tour de force in creativity and expansion marking the New Moon yields what you ask for.  Prepare to receive.  Be very thoughtful about your hopes and desires.

Heightening the horse power of this New Moon, Messenger Mercury turns direct motion the very next day.  For the last three weeks our mind and communication turned toward reflection and remembrance and other RE words.  As it moves into forward gear, Mercury finishes its second cycle in the sign of nurturing Cancer before re-entering Leo.  Push on now with projects, ventures and relationships.  Proceed with any major contracts and purchases.  It is GO time!

The dovetailing of the New Moon on August 1st immediately followed by Mercury direct offers unmistakable cosmic guidance.  Our emotions (New Moon) and thoughts (Mercury) are given license to chart new chapters with creativity (Leo) and care (Cancer).  Leo incites our actions:  how big can we dream? Meanwhile, Messenger Mercury conjoined to the North Node in Cancer supply infinite imagination.   Our hearts and our minds are invested for sure.  Leo provides endless stamina and courage.  Feel the Break-Out energy?  We feel we can conquer the world!

The caution with all that fiery Leo is drama and narcissism.  Watch for overly needy people trying to pull you into unnecessary complications, doing their work for them, prey upon your feelings and good nature.  Radical Uranus exactly challenges Venus and the Sun at the time of the New Moon.  All are in fixed, stubborn signs.  Uranus in Taurus calls us to approach relationships, values and earning income differently, more pragmatically and to apply our will with ingenuity.   The Venus-Sun pairing in Leo are super romantic while Uranus awakens a sensual realism.  Expect surprising relationships, either new people in your life, sudden shifts, unexpected shakeups (possibly dramatic), triggering moments.  These can be positive and negative twists but one thing is for sure:  August leads with ground breaking measures.  All new all the time is this month’s theme.  Uranus is called the Great Awakener with good reason.

The good news is that heavy hitters Saturn-Pluto in sturdy Capricorn keep it real.  The duo sets limits and says NO even when we are reluctant to do so for ourselves.  The heavyweights align with Neptune and the North Node (our directional calling), guiding us to follow our intuition:  what makes sense?  What feels right yet also yields common sense answers and solutions?  We may be tempted by the fantasy and illusion that the continuing Jupiter-Neptune conflict prompt; so the caution is avoiding smoke and mirrors, falling for spin and spin doctors.  Best to refrain from hitting the escape button, laziness in all its forms, relying on others to formulate opinions for you.  Apply focused thought and attention to matters at hand.  Take a step back, observe, detach, listen and observe.  See for yourself what is real and what is not; The trio of Leo planets incites us to create our own reality while Saturn-Pluto give us the grit and tools to accomplish our goals.  Ask:  what is possible?  If you do your own work now, you will be rewarded down the road.  You reap what you sow.

And the possibilities are endless now.  The first two weeks of August overflow with powerhouse energy.  Take advantage!  It builds like a steam engine toward mid-month.  Sunday, August 11th, Jupiter turns direct motion in adventurous Sagittarius, continuing its alignment with Venus-Sun in festive Leo.  How big can you go?  How broad do you want to expand?  Your world, your vision, your goals?  Truly, this is exciting energy.

The very next day, Messenger Mercury re-enters Leo while Uranus turns retrograde motion.  The cosmic change agent, Uranus offers unpredictability, instability for some, and for others a whole new refreshing perspective.  Leading into the Full Moon on August 15th, with four planets in playful Leo, all bets are ON.  If you have been yearning to take a chance, pursue your passion, break out of a rut, create an entirely new you, lifestyle or career, this week is it.  More than impelled, we feel compelled.  So go for broke.

The caution is Uranus retrograde, especially as it challenges Messenger Mercury (communication), along with three other Leo planets; watch for anything involving fire, escalating arguments, unrelenting turf battles where each digs in its heels, and accidents.  At a minimum, exercise caution with any heat-based or electrical appliances.  Make sure ALL are turned off after use or when you leave your home.  Take care with any sharp utensils or tools.  Uranus is the change agent.  It can redirect our lives on a dime.  Turning retrograde right before the Full Moon heightens its unpredictability. 

A few days after the Full Moon, a series of planetary shifts occurs.  One right after the other like dominoes, the trio of planets in Leo switch into efficient Virgo.  Motivating Mars (our energy) leads the charge on the 18th, followed by Venus on the 21st, then the Sun (our will) on the 24th.  Within the span of a week, the party Leo hosted for much of the summer draws to a conclusion and the real work, nitty gritty details of life starts.  You will feel the sea change in attitude and action.  Vacations gradually end and give way to a return to work, school and routine.  Welcome Virgo!  Industrious, precise, and health-conscious, our creativity and imagination stoked by Leo and Cancer energies now turn ideas into productivity, making manifest our goals and visions.

The great Planner of the Zodiac, earthy Virgo harnesses resources into an uber efficient production line.  Always prepared for every eventuality, Virgo forms methods and algorithms to solve problems and find solutions.  We just start acclimating to this energetic shift when Messenger Mercury (our thoughts and communication) joins the Virgo stellium.  Heightened the very next day on August 30th by the New Moon, five, gulp 5, planets in Virgo seek details, to know how, want answers.  The trick is not losing the forest for the trees, being too tightly bound by schedule and routine to squash flexibility and creativity. 

Planning and preparation are essential for successful execution just as much as over-thinking and submission to perfectionism can kill accomplishment.  The great news is the sheer drive of this New Moon.  All five planets in Virgo align skillfully with ingenious Uranus and four align with taskmaster Saturn.  Harness your resources and potential to realize your summertime ideas and dreams now.  Now is the time to put these to good work.  Behold what unfolds!

Of Special Note:

Beginning next month in September 2019, I am so pleased to partner with owner Scott Denardo to offer astrology readings at his metaphysical store Earth's Hidden Treasures in Assonet, MA.  Sessions with me are available twice a month, the first and third Thursday of each month.  To book a live, in-person reading, please contact Scott at 508-644-7398 or via email:  earthshiddentreasures1@gmail.com.  Earth's Hidden Treasures, 63 South Main Street, Assonet, MA 02702.

My schedule and the store's most recent newsletter are below:

Astrology readings with Hilary Harley at Earth's Hidden Treasures
September 5 and 19
October 3 and 17
November 7 and 21
December 5 and 19

History in the Making

Now open in Historic Assonet, MA is Earth's Hidden Treasures. We are a Holistic Retail Store and Spiritual Center offering classes in Mind, Body, Energy and Spirit. Come experience Salt Therapy for Adults and Children, All level Flow Yoga, Meditation, Intuitive Card Readings, Sound Therapy, Reiki with Crystals, Aura Photography and Astrology to name a few things. We believe in well-being from the inside out. Also available are classes in law of attraction, crystals, stress reduction and writing from the heart. Our intention and focus is to help heal, balance and center the energy field from many different perspectives,  and modalities. In our busy world it's important to take time for ourselves, allow ourselves to receive, relax, and balance so we feel refreshed and able to live our best life. We offer retail products to complement your wellness journey, such as crystals, sage, incense, gemstone jewelry, essential oils, handmade soaps, and unique gifts. Open Tuesday through Saturday, call us or email earthshiddentreasures1@gmail for hours or to set up an appointment 508-644-7398. Our website is www.earthshiddentreasure.com
Check us out on Facebook, Earth's Hidden Treasures or on Instagram @earths.hidden.treasures, also check out our ad in Natural Awakenings!

Join us for the internationally known spiritual medium, inspirational speaker and author, Roland Comtois' event Signs of Spirit on August 25th at 6:30pm. Call 508.644.7398 to RSVP space is limited and selling fast!

Calendar for August 2019
 Week of August 1-3
            9/2 - 6:30-8:30p ~ Priscilla Gale - Crystal Healing Beds
 Week of August 5-10
            3rd - 8-9am ~ Sunrise Yoga with Ashley
            5th - 6:30-7:30p ~ All Levels Flow Yoga with Ashley
            6th - 7-8p ~ Mindful Mandala with Janet
            7th - 6:30-7:30p ~ All levels Flow Yoga with Ali
            8th - 12p, 5p ~ Lions Gate Portal Meditation 8-8
            9th - 6-8p ~ Adult Indigo Class/Healing with Nicole
            10th -  8-9am ~ Sunrise Yoga with Ashley
                         2-4p ~ Make your own Oil Diffuser Bracelet
 Week of August 12-17
            12th - 6:30-7:30p ~ All Levels Flow Yoga with Ashley
            14th - 6:30-7:30p ~ All levels Flow Yoga with Ali
            15th - 6-8p ~ Law of Attraction with Nicole
            16th - 7-8:30p ~ Soul Purpose Sound Meditation with Priscilla Gale
            17th - 8-9am ~ Sunrise Yoga with Ashley
                        2-4p ~ Learn About the Angels Group with Nicole
 Week of August 19-25
            19th - 6:30-7:30p ~ All Levels Flow Yoga with Ashley
            21st - 6:30-7:30p ~ All levels Flow Yoga with Ali
            22nd - 5:30-7:30p ~ Crystals 101 with Nicole - free crystal
            24th - 8-9am ~ Sunrise Yoga with Ashley
                        6-8p ~ Transformation through Sound with Sonic Field
            25th - 11am ~ Book Signing and Blessing with Roland Comtois - FREE
                        6:30-8:30p Signs of Spirit event with Roland Comtois
 Week of August 26-31
            26th - 6:30-7:30p ~ All Levels Flow Yoga with Ashley
            28th - 6:30-7:30p ~ All levels Flow Yoga with Ali
            29th - 6-7:30p ~ Angel Therapy group with Nicole
            31st - 8-9am ~ Sunrise Yoga with Ashley
                      2-4p ~ Learn how to read oracle cards with Nicole

Call 508.644.7398 to RSVP for any events or classes as they may be filled

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Earth's Hidden Treasures
63 S Main St
Assonet, MA 02702-1711