Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Lusty Month of May!

We are currently about a week out of April's Mercury retrograde. It is never easy to slow down and reflect, review and reform our ways as much of April called us to do. For those able to vacation last month, it was a terrific time to escape and relax...leaving everyone else struggling with restlessness brought on by Springtime. Normally, the warm air encourages us to leap out of our cocoons; so it was truly difficult to wait even longer before jumping into all we set aside during the long winter months.

But after April's stasis and stagnation, May is rewarding us with immense energies pushing our efforts forward in all the areas where we have been held back. Five, count 'em, FIVE planets are currently in the action sign of Aries and will be for most of May. The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is all about initiation. What you start right now will come to fruition over the next months and years, specifically projects and new relationships. Both command our attention.

Take aim and focus on exactly how to shape exactly what it is you need to make the most of your work and personal life. Think of this time as a planting season: May is best month of the year to plant seedlings to harvest later on. Driving us forward like bookends to the other three planets are Mars and Uranus. Ruler of Aries, Mars leads the charge pushing us forward, followed at the tail end of this planetary collection with Uranus, inciting change, change and more change. For all of those resisting growth (you know in what arenas), please remember: the only constant in life is change.

Throughout 2011, Uranus will continue to make a challenging angle to Pluto, planet of transformation. This energy is to dig up and bring to the light any piece of ourselves that we prefer to keep hidden or buried. Because both of these planets are in cardinal signs Aries and Capricorn, we will be called to action. Force change by sudden exposure or revelation. Anyone trying to resist or escape his or her true north will be re-routed. This is particularly true in the case of relationships. It sounds harsh but the universe is calling each of us to take a hard look in the mirror.

An extreme example of this is Osama Bin Laden's recent execution. So sudden there was virtually no time to react much less run. How long did he really think he could resist justice? Eventually, everything catches up to those avoiding, ignoring, resisting.

However for most of us following our path, two beneficent planets will bless us with prosperity and opportunity during May. Titan Jupiter combines with Venus for the balance of the month. Both of these energies will afford us that "can-do" feeling: bringing plentiful resources and self-esteem boosts to ease whatever new ventures and relationships we launch right now. As if this weren't enough, Jupiter makes a gorgeous flowing angle to the moon's north node during May, opening avenues and inviting us to grow. Courage isn't always easy to muster when trying something new. This month, however, you will find yourself asking: what took me so long, why didn't I do this sooner? That is, if all that Aries energy even allows you to stop and think before venturing forth!

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