Monday, December 3, 2012

December 2012: Truth Be Told

As a survivor of last month's cosmic land mine, I hope you were also able to dodge and sidestep yourself to safety.  WHEW!  We made it to the other side.  The likes of such upheaval and scrutiny are rare indeed.  Thank goodness.  But it is equally good to remember that these periods, as difficult as they feel, are essential to learn what is truly worthwhile and valuable in our lives.  Challenge catalyzes growth.

Having come through the dark passage, now what?  Lots to clean up and take stock of; in the wake of our lives being held up to Life's X-Ray machine, we can see if there is disease to be rooted out or how to fix the broken parts.  And during December the cosmos offers a wealth of resources to accomplish this.  In nature's cycle, hard passages are followed by calm and light.

December, then, is a most spiritual month...for the holidays we all know and love, yes; but also for the Sagittarius Sun reigning over most of the month which rules spirituality.   Sagittarius is about Spirit with a capital S.  Spirit gently guides us toward our highest and best Selves.  The beginning of December flows abundantly with remedies of Truth and Understanding, the great "ah-ha!" moments of realization..."now I get it" shining a bright light on the path we are to follow, where to go and more importantly, how to get there.

Aiding us along our way is change agent Uranus making a beautiful angle to the Sun, our will and identity.  The effect of this is like having our own personal Steve Jobs on hand to encourage new insights or approaches to complete the work before us while also strengthening our stamina.  Additionally, the zodiac's architect Saturn continues helpfully aligning with Pluto and Neptune/Chiron.   The combined effort of these is to create a truer you. 

First Saturn and Pluto:  build baby build!  This pair is like no other to foist our productivity into overdrive.  Focus on what you need to do and these two will get the job done.  For anyone who experienced a total wipeout last month:  physically, emotionally, financially, etc., (OR for anyone simply trying to create a solid foundation going forward) Saturn and Pluto are here to pave the way.    This is true as well for the Saturn-Neptune/Chiron alignment.  That which was torn asunder is now ripe for repair.  The healing effects of this cannot be underestimated.  For victims of Hurricane Sandy, this period will be especially welcome.  Take full advantage of this energy to construct a more accurate, honest, healthier you.  Jump at any opportunity for healing:  be it something so simple as a massage to restoring difficult relationships to figuring out how to stretch that FEMA check the furthest.

These angles are enhanced by Neptune's friendly alliance with nurturing planet Ceres in the maternal sign of Cancer.  Our intuition is heightened now as to how to manage family affairs and matters of house, home and food; when to push and when to let go, how to be helpful and how to nurture ourselves so we can be at our best for others.  Trust your gut instinct here, as one snag in this soup is Neptune's challenging angle to the moon's north node.  You may find yourself second guessing your internal knowing.  A word to the wise now:  Don't!

At mid-month, Jupiter in the sign of Geminii opposes the Sun in Sagittarius.  Words, communication of all varieties, will fly in abundance.  Be aware of situations that curb your freedom, compelling and persuasive arguments/discussions involving spirituality, travel or higher education. 

Another two aspects to watch out for involve foggy Neptune:  one with planet of love and money Venus and another with Messenger Mercury.  Neptune can cause blind spots when it makes difficult angles to planets.  It literally can vaporize what it contacts.  In the case of Neptune-Venus, be really careful with relationships and money around December 15th.  There is a "too good to be true" flavor to this pairing.  People, projects, investments might seem very, very enticing.  These two are all about GLAMOUR.  Lots of shimmery fun...but like ephemeral Glamour, it is an illusion with no substance as you peel back the layers.

This blind spot effect is ramped up by Messenger Mercury's challenge to Neptune.  You know you booked that appointment, paid the bill, told your wife so and so was coming for dinner...but the information simply fell through the crack.  Disappeared into thin air.  Brace yourself.  For people who just don't show up, communication snafus and water, water everywhere...the water heater that breaks, the river overflowing its banks, mudslides out West.  The upside of both these planetary combinations is how beautifully they coincide with December's spiritual essence.  They offer an excellent time to meditate.  Cogitate. Seek InnerTruth.  Pray and prepare for the New Year.

Fog-laden Neptune may not be such an adverse thing as it will slow us down in response to the lightning fast effects Uranus' generous angles to Venus and Mercury.  In the third week of the month relationships, ideas and events can take off like a rocket.  Uranus delivers FAST.  Talk and you will be heard.  Ask and you shall receive.  This is a "be careful what you wish for" aspect if ever there was one.  So the combined mix of these four planets (Neptune, Mercury, Venus and Uranus) asks us to strike a balance:  not to let anyone or anything slip through Neptunian blind spots even as we our intentions manifest faster than we expect.  The best means for finding the Middle Path is to concentrate, focus and be very certain of the who, what and how of your desires. 

Stop, look, evaluate, listen.  Ask:  Is he, she, or IT right and true for you?   Once you are sure, then hit reply.

Because 2012 ends with a BANG as the Sun conjoins Pluto in practical, pragmatic Capricorn, creating a powerful energy with which to build our lives on the Truth of the matter in the New Year.

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