Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Truth Be Told: It's Decision Day

After the rock ‘em, sock ‘em cosmic ride of September, with double eclipses and Mercury retrograde, October will feel like an oasis of calm.  The next four weeks offer scant planetary activity, giving us a break from the constant push and pull tug of war we experienced last month.  Other than the Moon (which changes signs every two days), only one planet, Venus, switches signs during October while Messenger Mercury finally turns direct.  That’s it folks!

Good thing, too, that this month will be calm celestially.  I for one welcome it.  But it's not like we won't have anything to do.  No.  We will need every bit of peace and quiet as we walk out and survey the wreckage following September’s planetary storm.  September flipped over the tables.  Time to roll up your sleeves and get down to business.  While havoc may not have swept across your doorstep (good things do emerge now as well), quite a lot has been churned up for us to deal with and manage. Perhaps your entire approach to living requires adjustment since our perspective, the lens through which we look at life, has pivoted.  Maybe wildly.  So whether you are facing a big ol' TO DO list or figuring out how to put one foot in front of the other on this radically new landscape, we may feel daunted by what faces us.

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, start at the beginning, and start small:  What needs attention first, second and third in your life?  What pockets have you ignored?  Where have you lied or deceived yourself?  The good news is, first, with Saturn now firmly planted in truth-telling Sagittarius, we can clearly see the tasks ahead.  Let the great clean up begin!   Nothing like the Great Taskmaster Saturn to call us on the work to be done:  to hear our truth, speak our truth, live our truth.  Anything less will not stand.  Second, as a direct result of being who we really are, living our true selves, there are decisions to be made and followed through with.   A word of caution here:  do not expect to be liked or admired for some, any or all of your choices as you honor your soul.

As October opens, these two key directives are highlighted:  honoring personal truth and working through the consequences and choices of honoring your personal truth.  These directives remain the primary message the entire month long.  Saturn in Seeker Sagittarius helpfully aligns with the lunar North Node, calling us to step up and stick to our True Path.  All month, the North Node is at an attention-getting degree of Libra, bolstered by Messenger Mercury and the Sun (our will) to aid our decision-making.

In the light of day, as difficult as some of the choices confronting us are, it is essential, imperative really, to listen and follow your internal guidance, your natural GPS, otherwise known as intuition.  Ignore the Truth now at your peril.  For the next two years, Saturn in Sagittarius demands we honor our truth and promises consequences for those who do not.

Helping us sort through our lives the first week of October, Generous Jupiter and Motivating Mars pair up in industrious, health conscious Virgo and align beautifully with transformer Pluto in pragmatic Capricorn.  Projects, work, health care concerns offer promise now if we apply ourselves.  Virgo rules the future and we are assured a stable and healthier life if we commit to a plan during this time.  Sketch out ideas, create a pro-con list, outline a step-by-step guide to your goal(s).  Then once Mercury turns direct motion on October 9th, sign the deal, move ahead with your plans. 

The very same day that Messenger Mercury turns direct, Venus changes signs from dramatic Leo to reliable Virgo, joining the Jupiter-Mars duo.  This troika in hard-working Virgo offers abundant opportunity by underscoring the need to form good habits and healthy routines now.  Your efforts will be rewarded so go to it!    One rather large stickler to this energetic trio is their opposition to nebulous Neptune.  This is tricky stuff.  On one hand, at its best Neptune clarifies even further the work to be done by the three planets in Virgo.  At its worst, Neptune wants to do what it likes most:  run for the hills and escape the quest for perfectionism and honest details insisted on by the Virgo trio.   However, it will be really hard to run away from the work at hand this month as it is glaringly, unmistakably HUGE.  Remember that massive to do list from September’s storm?  If left unattended, it will only pile up.  So as always with planetary challenges:  balance.  If you do the work, one bit at a time, Neptune will welcome you with relaxation, music, tranquility. 
Meanwhile, it only gets harder to ignore the work in front of us.  Saturn in Sagittarius insists on the Truth.  Won’t let us get away with a thing, much less escape into Neptune’s hazy mists.  There is not a lot of room for deceit now.  Little to no wiggle room to wiggle away from reality – harsh as it may be.  Venus’ challenge to Saturn at this same time, October 9-12, guarantees that.  Our relationships and money (Venus rules worth and self-worth) may be picked apart in finite detail (Virgo) as Sagittarius Saturn seeks to weed out the Truth of what’s really going on with our bank account and relationships.   In other words, the very essence, building blocks and cornerstone(s) of our lives are under scrutiny and possibly up for grabs if we stand by and do nothing to fix what needs attention.  After the turmoil of September, the New Moon on October 12th offers us a clean slate.  So set your intentions with honor, integrity and soul baring truth.
The Virgo drive for accurate information and attention to detail increases at mid-month when Jupiter and Mars tightly conjoin from October 15-19th, offering greater purity, clarity, pristine understanding of yourself and the situation(s) you find yourself in.  Healer Chiron in Pisces directly opposes Jupiter-Mars, gently insisting on the highest and best interest for us to mend our deepest wounds.  Where do you need to connect (or re-connect) to your hurt, abandoned child?  It is not only OK to take care of yourself and your needs, it is essential now – critical mass as they say.  Past high time.  Yes, you may surprise some and tread on the toes of others who expect you to stick to the same old drill.  So if you make changes, put yourself first, being disliked is part of the process.  Really, truly,it is more than all right to lose parts of your life where you are taken for granted.  But to stay the course and risk lack of growth, to wither on the vine, what could be worse?
From a different angle, using different words, Chiron underscores the same theme Saturn in Sagittarius harkens to. Where Chiron says “attend to your deepest needs”, Saturn says “honor thy truth”.  Do it.  This energy only continues to build during the third week of October, 20-27, as we approach the Full Moon.  It is incredibly important to stay grounded now.  The Full Moon in Taurus greatly helps keep our feet firmly planted, helped by the convergence of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in down-to-earth, pragmatic Virgo.  Wherever Virgo falls in your chart, good health and work habits soak up a great deal of our energy at this time.  Remember:  the purpose is to bring each of us to our highest and best Self.  Honor your Path.  Do the Work.  Your soul’s work.  There is nothing less at stake.


  1. Loved October's blog, seems to b e divinely inspired. S0 specific on what has to be done in truthful, intuitive manner. THANK- YOU.

  2. Thank you so much Ann! I greatly appreciate your kind words. Hope you are well and enjoying life. - Hilary
